Your point about the PS2 is moot. It had a crappy first year quality wise but it still dominated sales, and when the xbox/GC came along it dominated them too. It is because it did well that it got support (which in turn le to even greater success). The fact that the PS3 is failing so badly only means bad things for its future (and no 7 million is not an impressive figure)
PS2 wasn't the clear winner until 2004, 4 years after launch. The first year the games were lacklustre and the developers were complaining about difficulty in developing for the PS2 (like PS3)and Xbox offered much more to developers when relesaed. The year head start did wonders for the PS2 because without it the PS2 wouldn't have sold half as much as it has now. Due to PS2 selling well since it was the only console in the market for a year and a half it was able to get many exclusives. 360 had the same situation with the year launch but unfortunately didn't work out as well as PS2. Now PS3 has great titles this year compared to PS2's 1st year, titles like Uncharted, UT3, R&C and WARHAWK.
Sony's lousy strategy held them back and the hefty price at the beginning didn't help either. 360 did as well as it did because of the head start but it could have been better as the PS3 has already overtook it in Japan & rapidly catching up in Europe. I will reserve judgement in calling PS3 a completely failuer until at least 09. Sony are now realising that they messed up and will make up for it next year in full swing
You are right in sayong that the playstation brand had the most to lose, but the fact remains it is losing everything it had. I've already listed a few of the exclusives it has lost already. There is absolutely no reason that ANY third party working on a multi million dollar project would choose to keep it exclusive too the PS3 so we can expect to see more of the same. Your point about there being little incentive to make games exclusive to the 360 is again a good one. But making a 360 exclusive allows for quick and dirty PC ports later on, the 360 has superb software sales and the development environment is far more freindly than the Ps3's. It's not the most attractive prospect for developers but it's certainly more attractive than making a PS3 exclusive
3 titles come to mind which are multimillion dollar projects and happen to be PS3 exclusives
- LA Noir
- WarDevil
- Heavy Rain
check them up if you like. Also Rockstar is apparantly working on a new IP big bughet PS3 exclusive which yet anounced
360 had had great software sales because in my opinion if a console has gone past 10 million consoles they are bound to have great software sales. When PS3 has passed 10 million then I'm sure more software will start moving. I also believe games like LBP, GT5 & MGS4 will get more gamers on board the PS3 bandawagon. I will reserve judgment on software sales till late next year, if they are still bad then we might have a problem.
Yes Wii has sold over 10 million and the software sales are not good but casuals are buying Wii. PS3 is not bought by casuals and will indeed see a huge surge in software sales once they reach 10 million
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