March 6, 2008 - The comparisons to Unreal Tournament are normal for a game like Huxley. It uses the Unreal Engine 3, follows a similar art ****and has combat that, on the surface, looks just like its cousin. If there's one place that associations can't be made, it would be in the lobby. In the case of Huxley, persistent cities serve as the pre-match lobby and the number of things you can do there is quite extensive for a first-person shooter.
The two persistent cities in Huxley can support up to 5,000 players at once on PC (360 is still up in the air), so it shouldn't be too hard to run into anyone. And no, you won't be able to pop into a city and just start killing everyone. There isn't any player vs. player (PvP) combat inside of the cities, though we are told there might be some player vs. enemy (PvE) events that deal with the game's story. The focus of the cities, however, will be everything that happens outside of combat. There you can get quests, purchase items, talk and socialize with other players and trade.
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