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Nice change of pace from the normal System Wars fights. I like it. My choices
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Assassin's Creed II
Grand Theft Auto IV
Uncharted 2
Mass Effect 2
Half-Life 2
Heavy Rain
Batllefield: Bad Company 2
Grand Theft Auto 4
Mass Effect 2
Killzone 2
That's all that comes to mind.
So far, none.
i was actually having more fun in the PS and PS2 era when i was getting my games based on how cool the boxart is.
being on SW and seeing all the hype threads, comments, spoilers, critisicim ....etchas just killed something in me for all the games, i am rarely impressed now .......... all the game i got are great and they deserve great praise from me but things have changed, may be it's just me.
This year, Bayonetta, the game delivered and even exceed my expectations, so awesome.
Also, Punch Out Wii, Batamn AA, SFIV were as good as i though they would be.
Fallout 3
Assassin's Creed 2 (surprisingly)
Uncharted 2
Mass Effect 2
I feel those games met their hype, definitely.
Twilight Princess.
I know, i know. SW hates this game, SW thinks this is not only a big flop by deserving of the flop status in every imaginable way.
I disagree. I was promised the best Zelda experience. I was promised the spirtual successor to OoT. I was promised an amazing experience. It delivered on all accounts and then some. I put over 70hrs into my first playthrough, and i did so with a giant smile on my face the entire way through. Best gaming experience i've ever had!
In this thread we aren't going to talk about games that were overhyped and failed (Haze), or were underhyped sleeper hits and turned out awesome (Batman AA), we're going to celebrate the games that you were extremely excited for and didn't dissapoint when it arrived. My choices: Street Fighter IV Uncharted 2 Halo 3 Gears of War 2 Modern Warfare 2 What's yours?chaotzuSorry but just no.. all the other games yeah
Halo 3 and WC3 were both next in line of a hugely popular title, and thus super hyped. And they both performed admirably under the pressure, their both excellent games. I'm sure there are others though.
....Games that delivered for me:
...and my biggest disappointments of this gen:
I actually don't think I've been disappointed with a single hyped game I was looking forward to this generation. Most games these days do an incredible job of adding cinematic polish and perfecting gameplay mechanics. (That said, I know a bunch of new IPs like Haze, WKC, Too Human, and The Conduit flopped. But I always approach new IPs with skepticism, anyhow.)
If I had to make a list, it would be Metal Gear Solid 4, Uncharted 2, Gears of War, and Mass Effect 2 - these games met and exceeded all my expectations.
none. this gen is all hype and no substance that is half the problem. although the ps3 did have a few games i enjoyed that went that extra mile. mgsiv, mlb the show, heavy rain to name a few. GTAIV on the xbox and oblivion live up to the hype somewhat. halo and gears have to be 2 of the most overhyped games ever. these games are not that good and wouldn't even be in my top 500 games of all time.
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