-Skillfully depicts a colorful, beautiful, ruined world
-Fantastic balance of exploration and action
-Fun, challenging combat encourages speed over force
-Great boss fights
-Lots of secrets and hidden areas to discover
Right my mistake, not system wars enough.
Let's see
1. PC gets a new Triple A exclusive (until it comes out on consoles to save you consolites from the boredom that is Sony and Microsoft's butthole first party offerings)
2. Your beloved your triple A space gets exposed for the soulless, uncreative frauds that they are when they can use all that tech to make games that are utterly vapid and devoid of fun, but a small team uses pixel art (and this is actual pixel art folks) and focuses on nailing actual gameplay and focusing a narrative around said mechanics to highlights the strength of this medium withour resorting a tv show or item descriptions.
3. Additionally for the many PC frauds on this forum, who gas up probably shitty games that haven't even so much as given us a demo, much less tangible gameplay footage, but then proceed to ignore the quality the stuff the PC gets seemingly on a weekly basis, here you go bitch, another good game for the platform, that as illmatic said, it's a steam sale game you play to give credibility to your shitty taste in video games.
There you go, I think that covers all ends, right gents?
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