Now featuring Wind Waker characters.
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Hmmm. I demoed Hyrule Warriors but the repetitive gameplay just bored me to tears. Interesting choice to bring this to the 3DS.
@charizard1605: better not be. I want to play this but not shelling out for an .5 version of a system I already own (have circle pad pro for my of 3ds too)
@Midnightshade29: Very fair. I was just wondering since the game was originally a Wii U title, and the New 3DS does have improved specs over the original 3DS models.
Hurray for ports, I guess? :P
I love ports and since I didn't bother with Hyrule Warriors on Wii U, [I kinda forgotten that this game exist] I'll just buy the 3DS version. It all work out for me, if no one likes ports, not my problem.
I don't understand the appeal of this game. Good for those who enjoy it though.
Fan Service
@Ghost120x: I wish it was true too, but I guess a hack n' slash game is more suited for a portable though.
Why no Toon Link though? Toon Link is best Link.
He's already available in the WiiU game. Granted, it costed money to get him.
@jg4xchamp: Btw, needed to show you this. Don't know if you've already seen it. It's pretty much a video about Kamiya's design philosophy, and how heavily Mikami influenced him. Good shit. You'll appreciate it.
Why no Toon Link though? Toon Link is best Link.
He's already available in the WiiU game. Granted, it costed money to get him.
I thought the Kid Link from Majora's Mask was the one available?
@jg4xchamp: Btw, needed to show you this. Don't know if you've already seen it. It's pretty much a video about Kamiya's design philosophy, and how heavily Mikami influenced him. Good shit. You'll appreciate it.
Scene it, get it? you get it? right? okay : (
Anyway yeah I've seen this. Don't remember if this is the one where he talks about how people were talking trash like Kamiya's devil may cry is dated, and the genre has evolved so much past him, and it lit a fire in his belly and Bayonetta was basically a "**** you, and shut up" to show off he can still do his thing in that genre. Honestly think that's difference between why Kamiya has stayed a very good game director and Mikami has been more of the on the downswing. When you read stuff about current Mikami, you read how he's mellowed down a bit, he lets his younger staff do more work, he's more willing to let them fail. Which is admirable on some level that he wants to pass the torch, but it also shows that he isn't exactly the dude who made Resident Evil, Resident Evil's remake, God Hand, and Resident Evil 4.
I'd love to see Kamiya and Mikami work on a project together though, that would be pretty rad.
Scene it, get it? you get it? right? okay : (
Anyway yeah I've seen this. Don't remember if this is the one where he talks about how people were talking trash like Kamiya's devil may cry is dated, and the genre has evolved so much past him, and it lit a fire in his belly and Bayonetta was basically a "**** you, and shut up" to show off he can still do his thing in that genre. Honestly think that's difference between why Kamiya has stayed a very good game director and Mikami has been more of the on the downswing. When you read stuff about current Mikami, you read how he's mellowed down a bit, he lets his younger staff do more work, he's more willing to let them fail. Which is admirable on some level that he wants to pass the torch, but it also shows that he isn't exactly the dude who made Resident Evil, Resident Evil's remake, God Hand, and Resident Evil 4.
I'd love to see Kamiya and Mikami work on a project together though, that would be pretty rad.
I'll grant you that pun, son.
Yeah, that's the one. He definitely succeeded. God, the way this industry is now... Having Mikami, Itagaki, and Kojima join PG.. The possibilities. It would be overkill, honestly, although Kamiya has stated that the games that come out of PG are pretty much their work. They don't dig publishers coming and telling them what to change.
But yes, Kamiya and Mikami pooling together, that would be insane.
Scene it, get it? you get it? right? okay : (
Anyway yeah I've seen this. Don't remember if this is the one where he talks about how people were talking trash like Kamiya's devil may cry is dated, and the genre has evolved so much past him, and it lit a fire in his belly and Bayonetta was basically a "**** you, and shut up" to show off he can still do his thing in that genre. Honestly think that's difference between why Kamiya has stayed a very good game director and Mikami has been more of the on the downswing. When you read stuff about current Mikami, you read how he's mellowed down a bit, he lets his younger staff do more work, he's more willing to let them fail. Which is admirable on some level that he wants to pass the torch, but it also shows that he isn't exactly the dude who made Resident Evil, Resident Evil's remake, God Hand, and Resident Evil 4.
I'd love to see Kamiya and Mikami work on a project together though, that would be pretty rad.
I'll grant you that pun, son.
Yeah, that's the one. He definitely succeeded. God, the way this industry is now... Having Mikami, Itagaki, and Kojima join PG.. The possibilities. It would be overkill, honestly, although Kamiya has stated that the games that come out of PG are pretty much their work. They don't dig publishers coming and telling them what to change.
But yes, Kamiya and Mikami pooling together, that would be insane.
"You don't create a game by trying to find the faults and eliminating them, but by finding the places that are great and making them even better"
**** man if that's not the most beautiful thing Shinji Mikami ever said.
Well Mikami's own personal studio is owned by Bethesda, so I'm guessing he's going to be working double time to make them a thing. I hope they bounce back, The Evil Within to me is still a good game, if an incredibly unpolished one. Itagaki needs some stability, the man's gameplay ideas are always beast, but his first game with Valhalla has been bad luck. Getting THQ'd, then Nintendo has to bail him out.
"You don't create a game by trying to find the faults and eliminating them, but by finding the places that are great and making them even better"
**** man if that's not the most beautiful thing Shinji Mikami ever said.
Well Mikami's own personal studio is owned by Bethesda, so I'm guessing he's going to be working double time to make them a thing. I hope they bounce back, The Evil Within to me is still a good game, if an incredibly unpolished one. Itagaki needs some stability, the man's gameplay ideas are always beast, but his first game with Valhalla has been bad luck. Getting THQ'd, then Nintendo has to bail him out.
It's a pretty great way of making games, no doubt.
Yeah, they're split up like that now, and I agree with The Evil Within. I know he can do better though. And with all the shit Nintendo does, at least they were there to back Bayo 2 and Devil's Third. I just hope these individuals find their way back in a proper place in this industry. They've proved themselves plenty.
A lot of hate for the title, I thoroughly enjoyed it, though it was my first Dynasty Warriors game so that's probably why.
Will the 3DS even be able to handle it?
I imagine the falloff of NPCs would be something like what Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop on Wii was to the Xbox 360 version.
And what's with that shot on the end there? Is there some kind of 3DS/WiiU cross-system functionality? Like maybe Four-Swords was between GameCube and GBA?
Love this game on console, think it'll be awful on handheld, part of the fun is the scale of it which I don't think they can recreate on a portable
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