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You aren't worried that one of them will be less good than the other and that both will be lessened due to both being focused on?You should go check out Resistance 2
Its going to have two completely new campaigns. One of them is co op/single while the other one is 8 player co-op. It also has 64 player online battles... i think that game is going to be great.
I'd go PS3 for exclusives like Unreal Tournament 3, Killzone 2, and the big one Resistance 2. If you haven't looked into Resistance 2 go do a search. The game is going to be awesome.EmperorSupreme
I think UT3 is timed exclusive and is coming out for the 360 later this year
I'd say 360 only because the PS3's offerings are fairly unproven. Killzone 2 and Haze (is Haze even exclusive?) are both unproven and while Resistance 2 is shaping up well, I'm not entirely sold on it being a killer app. They could all be AAA masterpieces, or they could be A or lower. With the 360 you already have a solid lineup of shooters like Halo, Gears, PDZ (its a good game, just not AAA good) and others. Hell even most of the 360's RPGs (Mass Effect, Too Human, Fable 2) are going to feature guns in some form or another.
That said if you're really into shooters you need a good PC.
Ps3 has the more high profile exclusive shooters this year (KZ2 and resistance) other then thats its pretty even.Gh0st_Of_0nyx
Battlefield 3 , Battlefield Heroes, Project Offset, Far Cry 2, STALKER: Clear Skies, Left 4 Dead ect ect.
Neither of those franchises have prooved they are AAA hekc the one was what? B?
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Ps3 has the more high profile exclusive shooters this year (KZ2 and resistance) other then thats its pretty even.Meu2k7
Battlefield 3 , Battlefield Heroes, Project Offset, Far Cry 2, STALKER: Clear Skies, Left 4 Dead ect ect.
Neither of those franchises have prooved they are AAA hekc the one was what? B?
Im excluding the PC from my list because not everyone can have a rig that can play all those games im just comparing the 360's and the ps3's gameing lineup like the TC asked.Far cry 2 and left 4 dead are on the ps3 and 360 (left for dead)
[QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Ps3 has the more high profile exclusive shooters this year (KZ2 and resistance) other then thats its pretty even.Gh0st_Of_0nyx
Battlefield 3 , Battlefield Heroes, Project Offset, Far Cry 2, STALKER: Clear Skies, Left 4 Dead ect ect.
Neither of those franchises have prooved they are AAA hekc the one was what? B?
Im excluding the PC from my list because not everyone can have a rig that can play all those games im just comparing the 360's and the ps3's gameing lineup like the TC asked.Far cry 2 and left 4 dead are on the ps3 and 360 (left for dead)
I see, I thought left 4 dead was PC/360 only though? same with Far Cry 2?
Even though I dont believe in console exclusives neither do the mods, those are both 360 exclusive, and well ... will much likely be more fun that both of those AA & B franchises despite graphics on left 4 dead.
Left for dead is pc/360 and farcry is for both ps3 and 360 sry If I put that clear enough :P
I only plan on buying 1 shooter this year (BF: bad companyy) the rest of my gameing will be done on the wii :)
I'd go PS3 for exclusives like Unreal Tournament 3, Killzone 2, and the big one Resistance 2. If you haven't looked into Resistance 2 go do a search. The game is going to be awesome.EmperorSupreme
360 potentially has GeoW2 which should be awesome..
PS3 has Killzone 2 which has many mixed feelings, due to the fact that we've only seen one level of dark, dingy gameplay..
Many also have high expectations for Resistance 2, as well.. Either way its going to be a good year..
Ps3 already has UT3(timed) and is getting Haze, Resistance 2, and Killzone 2, and Socom: Confrontation as exlusives.thageneral3
I forgot about SOCOM.
Don't go near the PS3, the 360 is where all the shooters are at.. If you want to spend over $1000 to play Crysis on medium settings, go right ahead not stopping you but if you want value for money and a great range of shooters get the 360. You will see hermits saying things like PC has more games than all 3 consoles combined, thats cause they like to include last gen games and games that came out years ago. So if you want to know which has more shooters this year. 360 obviously.
I'd say 360 only because the PS3's offerings are fairly unproven. Killzone 2 and Haze (is Haze even exclusive?) are both unproven and while Resistance 2 is shaping up well, I'm not entirely sold on it being a killer app. They could all be AAA masterpieces, or they could be A or lower. With the 360 you already have a solid lineup of shooters like Halo, Gears, PDZ (its a good game, just not AAA good) and others. Hell even most of the 360's RPGs (Mass Effect, Too Human, Fable 2) are going to feature guns in some form or another.
That said if you're really into shooters you need a good PC.
I agree, I have all three system and I'd have to say regardless of which system has more or less. My opinion is that part of what makes a shooter great is how cool is it on line. COD4, HALO3, GEARS etc. these were killer games on-line I own all three systems and playing UT3 was the closest I came to enjoying a on-line game on my ps3 the system just doesn't do it for me for on-line games. the Wii I haven't even tried connecting on-line yet. The PC, I used to be a PC fanatic but to play a game like Crysis you need to sale you kidney on the black market to afford a system that can play it! I now you have to pay for XBL but in reality it costs the same as a cup of Joe at Starbucks.
Don't go near the PS3, the 360 is where all the shooters are at.. If you want to spend over $1000 to play Crysis on medium settings, go right ahead not stopping you but if you want value for money and a great range of shooters get the 360. You will see hermits saying things like PC has more games than all 3 consoles combined, thats cause they like to include last gen games and games that came out years ago. So if you want to know which has more shooters this year. 360 obviously.
God Bless you!
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]Ps3 has the more high profile exclusive shooters this year (KZ2 and resistance) other then thats its pretty even.Meu2k7
Battlefield 3 , Battlefield Heroes, Project Offset, Far Cry 2, STALKER: Clear Skies, Left 4 Dead ect ect.
Neither of those franchises have prooved they are AAA hekc the one was what? B?
don't forget about precursors..
they said it's going to be a trilogy so you can't have a trilogy w/out a gears 2...
so we know it's coming one day. How does that make it look more impressive than resistance 2?
[QUOTE="jimhogg"]they said it's going to be a trilogy so you can't have a trilogy w/out a gears 2...
so we know it's coming one day. How does that make it look more impressive than resistance 2?
It doesn't. We havn't seen or heard anything. It hasn't been announced. It's all wishful thinking
ignore the_h_bomb....he would kill himself before saying anything negative about the PS3
as of RIGHT NOW Xbox 360 or a gaming PC is the best way to go for shooters. All of these PS3 games you keep hearing about aren't even out yet and no one has ANY clue whether or not they will be of quality found on PC and the Xbox 360.
[QUOTE="jimhogg"]they said it's going to be a trilogy so you can't have a trilogy w/out a gears 2...
so we know it's coming one day. How does that make it look more impressive than resistance 2?
because gears of war was a lot better than resistance 1?... so naturally you would think the same of gears 2?
Well PS3 or Xbox 360? Which will have killer shooters this year?nc72689
If you are talking about highprofile/hyped games, probably the PS3. Off the top of my head it's supposed to have Resistance 2, KillZone 2, and Haze.
I'm really intrested in seeing if these titles can live up to the hype but so far nothing I'm seeing from X360 is as highprofile as these titles.
because gears of war was a lot better than resistance 1?... so naturally you would think the same of gears 2?
why would you think that? Is hgears of war 2 the same game as gears of war 1? likewise is Resistance 2 the same game as Resistance 2?
and lets also not forget that Metal Gear solid 3 was better than Splinter Cell Double Agent. Final Fantasy 12 was better than mass effect.
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