That's right, I am a casual gamer. I'm the guy responsible for Wii Sports, Wii Fit, Brain Age and Carnival Games. I'm the guy responsible for the dumbing down of Deus Ex, Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, DIRT (nee Colin McRae Rally), Mass Effect, KOTOR and countless other "hardcore" games. I'm the guy who buys EA's NHL title every year regardless of changes. I am the one responsible for "ruining" the industry.
And you know what?
Some day, you're going to thank me.
You "hardcore" types have forgotten what makes a game good. A good game doesn't need great graphics, or an epic story, or complex gameplay. No, all a great game needs to be is enjoyable. A great game is a game that you can play for 5 minutes or 5 hours; and when you're done, you want to get right back in the saddle. A great game is something you sit down to play for 30 minutes, but 2 hours later you're still there. Simply put, you've forgotten that at the end of the day, all a game needs to be is fun.
"But hardcore games are fun!" you say. And you know what? You're right, they are. But what you haven't realized is that after a while, those 80+ hour epics you pine for get boring. Really boring. Mind-numbingly boring. That's where I come in. If you "hardcore" gamers were all that were around, all that would be made are epic RPGs and games with manuals thicker than most novels. But lucky for you I'm here, and there are a hell of alot more of me than there are of you.
Sure titles like Carnival Games suck, but it isn't hard to find the gems. Your Wii Sports, your Audiosurfs, your You Don't Know Jacks, your Rock Bands, all great casual titles. Even "hardcore" games like Mario, Portal, Zelda and Super Smash Bros are really, in essence, casual games. Without me those games wouldn't get made, and without those games you would *hate* your "hardcore" games. You would hate having to play a game for an hour at a time to have a meaningful experience. You would hate having to sink 80+ hours into a single game just to get to what will amount to a really ****ty ending. You would hate spending an hour planning a mission in Rainbow Six just for 5 minutes of action.
So rather than blaming me for the sorry state of the industry, gang violence, the economy and communism, accept that I'm doing you a favour. I'm forcing developers to think outside the box, I'm forcing people to innovate. I'm the reason you cherish games like Deus Ex, Fallout and Chrono Cross. So rather than blame me for the problems in the industry, accept my role. Sure some games will be "ruined" in the process, but I'll do far more good than those games ever could have.
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