Why do people continously bash Dante's Inferno for being a God of War clone? Just because it is unoriginal doesn't mean it deserves loads of criticism. Why is it that when a new FPS game is released, nobody ever bashes it for being a clone of Halo, Call of Duty, Killzone or whatever else. Yet as soon as Dante's Inferno shows up, everybody is screaming "what a shameless rip-off! How terrible! Shame on you, EA!".
If you played any FPS game within the past 2 weeks (apart from Doom or original Wolfenstein) youinstantly lose your ability to call Dante's Inferno a shameless rip-off because that FPS game you were just playing is a shameless rip-off previous FPS games.Call of Duty is a shameless rip-off from Medal of Honor. Section 8 is a shameless rip-off from Halo. Even in other genres, Forza is a shameless rip-off of Gran Tursimo. See what I did there? Apart from Spore, Wii Fitor DJ Hero, there are hardly that many "original" games nowadays, since everything has already been done before. Dante's Inferno is not original, but judging by the gameplay demo it looks like a real gem. And thats the most important part. I'd rather play a fun clone (Dante's Inferno) rather than an original game thats boring to play (Wii Fit). Agree? :)
You guys can lose sleep because Dante borrowed a few ideas from Kratos, but the rest of us will soon be enjoying a great game. Thanks for reading:)
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