I don't see why people think being a "manticore" automatically gives one more credibility. There are tons of laughably biased "manticores" on this website. I'm not saying that a manticore can't have a system they like the most, but some of manticores here make it their personal mission to constantly load their posts with very subtle negativity aimed at certain consoles.
I am a manticore, I state my opinons of each system good or bad when the thread calls for it, therefore I am labeled as a hater. Even if you own all systems everyone is going to favor the system that they get the most enjoyment from, everyone is alittle biased. I like pc gaming but like to point out the facts when posters on here try and pass off there superiority.
Like I said, there's nothing wrong with a manticore favoring one system over another. Expecting one to like everything equally is dopey.
What there is something wrong with is the very subtle bashing that a bunch of manticores engage in.
So, what I'm saying is that one should should be judged by the content of their posts and not whether they own all the systems or not.
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