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I can get a brand new PS4 with games bundled in for $200 on black friday. I already own a PC, Switch and Xbox One X so the only thing that tempts me to buy a PS4 is Persona 5.
I was wondering since I keep hearing about all of these amazing exclusives, if there is anything else absolutely must play on the PS4 that will make it worth the $200 because that's a lot to just play one game?
I really don't like first person shooters. I am ok with first person games but not shooters. I love RPGs and open world games. For example BOTW, Witcher, Skyrim, GTA5, Red Dead Redemption, Dark Souls and just anything open world with role playing elements. I don't think I would like Uncharted because it just looks like a third person shooter with a stupid story. I could be wrong but this doesn't seem to be the type of game I would enjoy.
The last of US seems a bit interesting to me and if it is maybe the sequel would be nice. But I am not sure how much atmospheric open world RPG it is vs running and gunning brainless shooter. God of War seems interesting but maybe I am just looking at the graphics. Again, not sure I want to be mashing buttons to get to the next cutscene. Not sure if I am completely wrong, if I am someone please set me straight. I am open minded and not a hater. I just have my preferred style of games that I enjoy and they are not frantic twitch shooters or QTE story games with climbing elements.
I obviously will never buy multiplats on this console because I can get them on the Xbox One X and PC which will look and perform much better. Especially with Microsoft's play anywhere on select games. I also have the option of getting them on the Switch and then I have the option to go portable.
I am not considering buying the PS4 Pro because the graphics are about the same as the regular PS4 and again I just want to play one game and I don't even think that game is patched for the Pro.
TLDR; I like atmospheric RPGs and open world games with RPG elements. I hate frantic brainless first person shooters. Is there anything on the PS4 worth buying other than Persona 5 for me that has me really tempted?
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