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[QUOTE="ramey70"]Why do you discount Nintendo so easily?Phantsy16I have already stated why. And game13a13y.... /clap /clap /clap Took a stab in the dark there did ya?
I read what you wrote, it just didn't make any sense. You said Nintendo doesn't need to bother with this war. Why do you say that? They will probably over take the 360 in sales before the end of they year.Â
[QUOTE="ramey70"]Why do you discount Nintendo so easily?Phantsy16I have already stated why. And game13a13y.... /clap /clap /clap Took a stab in the dark there did ya?
 nah, its more like you are walking out in the open asking me to stab you.
I have already stated why. And game13a13y.... /clap /clap /clap Took a stab in the dark there did ya?[QUOTE="Phantsy16"][QUOTE="ramey70"]Why do you discount Nintendo so easily?ramey70
I read what you wrote, it just didn't make any sense. You said Nintendo doesn't need to bother with this war. Why do you say that? They will probably over take the 360 in sales before the end of they year.Â
"We don't care about the games, as long as Wii sales, sheeps are happy."
I agree with you, first the difference will not be made by hardware, they are both too cloth, and the momemtum from the 3d parties are definitaly favoring the 360...rainbow six, graw 2, dirt, all great 3dparty games are first comming on 360... The online experience is unbeatable on 360 ( that's a major point for this generation)
 Ps3 will get cool exclusives but so will 360, and with such lower price, the grand public will definitely favor the 360
Any personnaly i play mainly fps, so, 360 is my dream console...Â
[QUOTE="ramey70"]I have already stated why. And game13a13y.... /clap /clap /clap Took a stab in the dark there did ya?[QUOTE="Phantsy16"][QUOTE="ramey70"]Why do you discount Nintendo so easily?TheOwnerOner
I read what you wrote, it just didn't make any sense. You said Nintendo doesn't need to bother with this war. Why do you say that? They will probably over take the 360 in sales before the end of they year.Â
"We don't care about the games, as long as Wii sales, sheeps are happy."
Right because no company makes games for the system that sells the most. It didn't happen when NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 sold the most consoles. /sarcasmSo the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.Vandalvideo
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2Â
[QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"][QUOTE="ramey70"]I have already stated why. And game13a13y.... /clap /clap /clap Took a stab in the dark there did ya?[QUOTE="Phantsy16"][QUOTE="ramey70"]Why do you discount Nintendo so easily?Zhengi
I read what you wrote, it just didn't make any sense. You said Nintendo doesn't need to bother with this war. Why do you say that? They will probably over take the 360 in sales before the end of they year.Â
"We don't care about the games, as long as Wii sales, sheeps are happy."
Right because no company makes games for the system that sells the most. It didn't happen when NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 sold the most consoles.Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
no way. I am 100% certain that Xbox 360 will not win, in fact Xbox will NEVER win. as for this gen, it looks like Nintendo will but I wont count Sony out, they can still win.xxThyLordxx
hmmm reminds what people were saying when the first ps1 came out, no one thought it would beat the sega saturn or n64...Â
Simply because we have so many great titles and most of playstation 2s great, great games are coming on the XBOX 360... For e.g Grand Theft Auto. Xbox also has there great live features, albet is a bit of a ripoff, but whats there is great. The user interface is great. The Controllers, in my opinion are the most comfortable controllers out there. Playstation 3 has some great ideas to though, though what they are lacking in is online. I think they really arnt bothering creating a good online service. Oh and i just wanna add... The Wii and Xbox 360 are 2 most easiest consoles to set up online, from my experence. My wii detected my router with no hassle. All i had to do was plug in another router adaptor into my xbox and hey pesto!!!! Online. Playstation 3 i had so much difficutly with. Kept getting errors after errors...GRR got it sorted evetinly though. Playstation 3 controllers are lacking.. sure it has that limited montion sensor...but thats about it. Guide button is pretty much useless at this point. They even copied Xbox. Atleast xbox did stuff to there controllers.. made it smaller, made it out of different material, innvoated with the guide button, and actually made it meaning full.... if anything that guide button is our most used button. Lets not forget the gamer profile we each have.... and the achivements. I strongly belelive that xbox may win this generation console war.......and whats more... i want them to. I am mainly comparing Xbox and playstation since Nintendo really dont, and dont need to, bother with this war. They just wanna make consoles and make great games.,Phantsy16
This quote pretty much summerizes your arguement...."strongly belelive that xbox may win this generation console war.......and whats more... i want them to."
As for what you say about the Xbox getting the PS2s top selling games, what you forget is that the Xbox had GTA last gen and I am sure you will say that something about the timed exclusivity, but keep in mind that current buyers who can get Halo and all the GTAs on the Xbox currently are still chosing to buy PS2s to the point that they are outselling both next gen consoles.
You also are missing key games like GT, MGS, Kingdom Hearts, and FF which although have plenty of rumors are not confirmed for anything other then a Sony console. Online is not as much a factor as people think and I own a PS3 and it was far from hard to set up.
As for your opinion of the controller, that is exactly what it is your opinion.  Most gamers have been playing with that dual shock model controller for over two generations now, what makes you think that all of a sudden its not good enough.
In order for the Xbox to win it has to gain worldwide support and so far Japan doesnt want the 360 and Europe is luke warm about it while the PS3 is selling pretty well in both those regions as well as the U.S.Â
>Translation: My console is getting pummelled by a console with the name of a human anatomy or what is done with that part of the human anatomy and I have to compensate for it by calling its controller a gimmick so I can cover up for my lack of knowledge. Also, throwing out those veiled insult words makes me look teh maturez!!!Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
[QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"]>Translation: My console is getting pummelled by a console with the name of a human anatomy or what is done with that part of the human anatomy and I have to compensate for it by calling its controller a gimmick so I can cover up for my lack of knowledge. Also, throwing out those veiled insult words makes me look teh maturez!!!Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
Glade you're going back to sales to cover up the Wii lack of quality games.
The Wii is teh saleZ0R!
I thought system wars' victor was determined by the largest userbase, i.e. which system sells the most? :?Â
we all know the 360 won't beat the ps3 in japan ( the ps3 is not doing that great in japan so far,but far better than 360...)
But having said that, as long the 360 keep is lead in the US and Europe( the two biggest markets) the 360 as all its chances to win over the ps3...Â
[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]no way. I am 100% certain that Xbox 360 will not win, in fact Xbox will NEVER win. as for this gen, it looks like Nintendo will but I wont count Sony out, they can still win.usule
hmmm reminds what people were saying when the first ps1 came out, no one thought it would beat the sega saturn or n64...Â
Yea but the PS1 was new while MS's 360 is not new to the console race and they are still falling in the same situation as last gen with their main audience being NA and people outside of it not so interested in thier console.
Actually if you wanna see some real similiarties look at this article that rips on the PS2s, price, quality of launch games, unecessary addition of DVD player, and launch. This is true deja vu.
 I disagree, first, so far it's winning, there are more games and more 360's on the market... the xbox came out late after the ps2 and now they came out first, and people today in US and Europe are still buying more360 than ps3's... It's not like there arent enough demand now for the ps3... I'm not saying for sure the 360 will win, but they started pretty well and this should be the same scenario than with the ps3 and xbox 1...
plus, personnaly i'm a fps fan, and the 360 has already great ones and more to come... If I get a ps3 latter, they will have to have better fps games... and I don't see this comming anytime soonÂ
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]So the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.usule
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2Â
Hate to break it to you, but the PC has the most annually released high quality titles, adn the most announced exclusive titles. I don't care about your opinion. This is undeniable fact.[QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]So the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.Vandalvideo
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2
Hate to break it to you, but the PC has the most annually released high quality titles, adn the most announced exclusive titles. I don't care about your opinion. This is undeniable fact. As i said i play lots of games on pc, but to prove your undeniable fact, tell me what game you bought for your pc recently??? me it was Stalker... Sorry, there arent that many the last few months... I'll always be a pc gamer too, but as of right now, I feel a little left behind with my pc... Give some facts!!!
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]So the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.usule
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2
Hate to break it to you, but the PC has the most annually released high quality titles, adn the most announced exclusive titles. I don't care about your opinion. This is undeniable fact. As i said i play lots of games on pc, but to prove your undeniable fact, tell me what game you bought for your pc recently??? me it was Stalker... Sorry, there arent that many the last few months... I'll always be a pc gamer too, but as of right now, I feel a little left behind with my pc... Give some facts!!!
Give you some facts? Currently the PC is averaging one AAA game every month. We had 3 AAA games in the first 3 months of the year ALONE. How many did the consoles have in the same time span? The most was 2, the others 1. The PC has ALWAYS, and will CONTINUE to lead in high quality titles. Regardless of what you buy.[QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"]>Translation: My console is getting pummelled by a console with the name of a human anatomy or what is done with that part of the human anatomy and I have to compensate for it by calling its controller a gimmick so I can cover up for my lack of knowledge. Also, throwing out those veiled insult words makes me look teh maturez!!!Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
Glade you're going back to sales to cover up the Wii lack of quality games.
The Wii is teh saleZ0R!
Glad you're going back into denial. The NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 had the sales to back up the claims that they won. Glad to see you trying to change the rules when your console is getting owned.[QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]So the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.Vandalvideo
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2
Hate to break it to you, but the PC has the most annually released high quality titles, adn the most announced exclusive titles. I don't care about your opinion. This is undeniable fact.As i said i play lots of games on pc, but to prove your undeniable fact, tell me what game you bought for your pc recently??? me it was Stalker... Sorry, there arent that many the last few months... I'll always be a pc gamer too, but as of right now, I feel a little left behind with my pc... Give some facts!!!
Give you some facts? Currently the PC is averaging one AAA game every month. We had 3 AAA games in the first 3 months of the year ALONE. How many did the consoles have in the same time span? The most was 2, the others 1. The PC has ALWAYS, and will CONTINUE to lead in high quality titles. Regardless of what you buy.Â
just answer my question... what game on pc have you bought lately...unless you are a big strategy fan, there isn't much lately...prove me the contrary... I'm not against pcs, just right now, the 360 is feeling my gap for good quality games...I cant wait to play crysis on pc though... just tell my what you bought recently, why can't you just add one game in your argument? I'm playing graw2, call of duty 3, Gears of war on 360 but i'm still playing rainbow six and stalker on pc, but graphicaly, you cannot say they have really an edge on the next gen console, just be honnest... we all know down the road with pc hardware, the pc will ultimitaly beat consoles, but as of's just not the case, live with it...
[QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"][QUOTE="Zhengi"][QUOTE="TheOwnerOner"]>Translation: My console is getting pummelled by a console with the name of a human anatomy or what is done with that part of the human anatomy and I have to compensate for it by calling its controller a gimmick so I can cover up for my lack of knowledge. Also, throwing out those veiled insult words makes me look teh maturez!!!Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
Glade you're going back to sales to cover up the Wii lack of quality games.
The Wii is teh saleZ0R!
Glad you're going back into denial. The NES, SNES, PS1, and PS2 had the sales to back up the claims that they won. Glad to see you trying to change the rules when your console is getting owned.Â
Yes, lets jump on the Motion Sensor bandwagon (gimmik LOL)Â and make crap games that the kiddies and casuals will jump on like flies on shhh**.
Yeah, grats Sheeps!
Now go back to sales!
Becuase thats your only argument.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="usule"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]So the platform with the most high quality titles and exclusive wins? .........................So I heard the PC is dragging everything else through a dirt nap if thats the case.usule
Dont think so... I have a high end pc too, but there arent that many great games coming this soon on pc... Next one i plan to get is probably crysis... and beside stalker, not much came out lately... and to be honnest, 360 and ps3 games graphically are above stalker... Gears of war can compare graphically with any pc games so far, same as graw2
Hate to break it to you, but the PC has the most annually released high quality titles, adn the most announced exclusive titles. I don't care about your opinion. This is undeniable fact.As i said i play lots of games on pc, but to prove your undeniable fact, tell me what game you bought for your pc recently??? me it was Stalker... Sorry, there arent that many the last few months... I'll always be a pc gamer too, but as of right now, I feel a little left behind with my pc... Give some facts!!!
Give you some facts? Currently the PC is averaging one AAA game every month. We had 3 AAA games in the first 3 months of the year ALONE. How many did the consoles have in the same time span? The most was 2, the others 1. The PC has ALWAYS, and will CONTINUE to lead in high quality titles. Regardless of what you buy.Â
just answer my question... what game on pc have you bought lately...unless you are a big strategy fan, there isn't much lately...prove me the contrary... I'm not against pcs, just right now, the 360 is feeling my gap for good quality games...I cant wait to play crysis on pc though... just tell my what you bought recently, why can't you just add one game in your argument? I'm playing graw2, call of duty 3, Gears of war on 360 but i'm still playing rainbow six and stalker on pc, but graphicaly, you cannot say they have really an edge on the next gen console, just be honnest... we all know down the road with pc hardware, the pc will ultimitaly beat consoles, but as of's just not the case, live with it...
It is the case, just look at games like Oblivion, it looks far better on the PC.Â
No it doesn't, I have oblivion on PC though, and yes it looks great, but apperently the ps3 which I don't have is better than the 360 and pc version... and I know the pc version is slightly better than the 360 if you have indeed a great pc, the average will look ugly compared to the 360 version... I'm talking about graphics here... But down the road, as i said the pc will reclaim its superiority, probably it won't take longer than crysis...
my pc is Vista, amd 64 x2 4200, 2 gigs of ram, graphic card 512mb ati x 1900xtx, and still the frame rate is less stable on oblivion
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