Most games are multiplats and despite what fanboys like to pretend, the truth is they are exactlythe same on both consoles (excpet for rare cases like Bayonetta). Obviously exclusives do matter as there is no reason to buy a system just to play multiplats on, but there aren't really that many exclusives out there, so if you own both systems then all your really doing is spending MASSIVE amounts of money just to play a few exclusives. Take me for instance, I own a PS3 and a Wii (well I have 360 too but it's RROD out of warrenty), I love most PS3 exclusives and enjoy the multiplats that get to play on it, however if I want a 360 then it ends up not really being worth the money since I would only really buy one for the exclusives I like on it (Halo Reach, Alan Wake, and Gears 3).
And that's not worth dropping hundreds of dollars for, especially if I wanted to go online with the games (which Halo is really for) I would have to pay for online just for a couple games. The point I'm trying to make is that it's not really worth it to own both systems unless you have alot of free time and money to spend, also you would have difficulty trying to decide what system you want to buy multiplats on aswell because if you buy too many on one system than you don't really get your money's worth from the other since you won't spend much time playing it. And ofcourse your going to end up favoring one system over another anyway (doesn't make you a fanboy if you do) like you will obviously like the system that has the controller you prefer or if you like Free online vs Paid online with more features ect... so natrually your going to end up buying multiplay games on the system you end up prefering and the other one will just sit there for a few exclusives you'll play occasionaly.
Anyone else notice this? How do multi console owners deal with this?
Oh and sorry for long post :P
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