Gamecube's sales may have been bad, but the Wii is still worse than the Cube. By that, I mean less support from both third (which is worse than last gen) and first. Last gen was less third party, but more first party, but that's still better than this gennintendoboy16
Yeah one thing about the gamecube that I dont think people really notice today is that you could easily have had that been your only console. It was mine until early 2004 when I got a ps2. and then late 2004 I got an XBOX. I was completely content with my GC though I had way more fun on that thing then I ever did with the wii Like the first time I played metroid prime I was completely blown away....
I liked the new metroid, and some might argue that its better than the first but I didn't give me that same wow factor that the original did, no wii game really wowed me like it, or melee or Resident Evil 4 and I doubt that any will.
The only wii game I took home and was like OMG THIS IS AWESOME ironically was Wii Sports, but other than that this gen color me unimpressed. Now im not saying that all other wii games suck or anything, I love SMG, its my favorite mario game ever, and alot others I like but I really feel you need that next graphical step or evolution in order to keep things feeling fresh cause alot of things feel really stale because of it
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