It's ahead of it's time, and missing it's key component.
Mind control (read, "using thoughts to control games").
With future advances of mind controler devices, to where movement can be mapped to thoughts, Kinect would be perfect for using your hands to aim/look/etc, where as your mind would be great to have your character move forward or backwards.
but for now, Kinect is just too barebones, and lacks a control mechinism for movement. It would be cool if you were just inside a giant ball, where when you walk, kinect records your movement, but as it stands, it's really only limited by having a stationary camera, and making you move around it.
I dunno. It's just too little, too soon. without devices that can sense our thoughts and map them to controls, there will never be a true "hands-free gaming device" that can do more than watch you exercise, or make you pretend to play with skittles.
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