I've played and Beat Ninja Gaiden Sigma and it was a good game, not better than DMC or GoW, but I've decided NG2 will fail most likely.
-No easy mode(This will probably kill it the most)
-No Rachel
-Probably No story just like the original
-Being published by Microsoft
-More reasons too that I can't remember atm.
There's definitely no way I'm going to break my neck to play a super hard game with no story that last 30 hours. NGS would have been a better game if it's story was actually good, and there was no ghost fish. Also, they definitley need a real easy mode(not ninja dog) if they actually want this game to be a success and not fail like the original Ninja Gaiden. People weren't buying it because they heard how it's like the hardest game ever.
I think I'll just stick with DMC and God of War which are superior games.
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