[QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"][QUOTE="artichoke"]I'm so exited for this game. [QUOTE="Adrian_Cloud"]Meh, just seems like a medevil POP to me, the graphics are a bore. Gameplay didn't seem interesting at all.. for a 15-20 hour game, hopefully things improve and the sci-fi story is actually good.Zeliard9
I'm really exited about this game. And I'd be satisfied with a medieval POP.
If it only it was alot more like POP, half the trailers i've been seeing is Altair running away, getting caught, and then running away. It looks ridiculous, OOPS i bumped into someone, and suddenly gaurds are after me? Thats not next-gen at all.
Don't you think that's oversimplifying it a bit? You could condescendingly note some gameplay features of any game and make it sound just as trivial and unimpressive.
Not really that is pretty much the core aspect of the gameplay. I think i'll use "stealth"(not really stealth because after every important person you kill no less than 1 minute guards come after you:|), and hopefully just sneak my way through the whole game. I could name gameplay features of POP and it wouldn't sound too impressive, but it would sound like fun.
For some reason games like Metal Gear Solid 4, and LBP have simple gameplay mechanics but are really deep games.
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