Maybe I've been on systemwars too long but I can't play a game that's not exclusive. I feel as if the game is a cheap compromised piece of crap. Even when a game is exclusive and then loses exclusivity, it makes me sick. For example, I enjoyed Mass Effect but I refuse to play Mass Effect 2. I enjoyed Dead Rising but I refuse to play Dead Rising 2. I may pick up the XBL exclusive pre-qual though.
Games such as GTA4, Dead Red Redemption, Oblivion, COD, Crysis 2, Metal Gear Rising, Ninja Gaiden, Resident Evil and any other multiplat just piss me off. They make me so angry. I don't get it why a developer just won't choose a console to make their games exclusively on. This way the game will take full advantage of the platform it is developed for.
I will never buy a game a multiplat because I can't enjoy it. Even if I think the game is cool then when I get it and come here to systemwars to discuss it, everyone says it's crap and I feel like crap for buying into the hype.
For example I was dumb enough to buy GTA4 and everyone here knows that game is worthless. The game scoring 10 here made me just give in but then everyone here just said it was crap anyway. I felt so stupid. Then there are games such as COD which I really think are cool but I can't play them because you know they make them for every damn console. And of course everyone here agrees they are crap games.
The game that really pissed me off the most is Final Fantasy 13. That was going to be a GREAT GREAT GAME!!!! Then all of a sudden I hear this crap about multiplat. I couldn't believe it. I'm glad it turned out to be a worthless piece of crap. Well, I am still hoping for FFv13 because I love FF games.
Games such as MGS4, Heavy Rain, Halo, God of War and just any exclusive game is just so magical. It makes the game better because I know that there are a lot of pissed off people who can't play the game. And i'm like a lucky special person who gets to enjoy it. AWESOME!
When everyone on every console is playing the same thing it just makes me want to throw up. And it makes the game crap.
I think developers should realize this is how we feel and choose a platform to develop on and stick to it. But of course I know this will never happen with the greedy developers out there. Especially Activision.
Am I crazy or do you guys know what i'm talking about? I know this may not be so politically correct thing to say but you guys know it's true.
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