I have just played the Wii for the first time. Now that I have had a taste of all three consoles, I can objectively analyze them.
I was impressed. I only played Motorstorm but the graphics were outstanding. I like the design and I found the controller to be OK. If Home turns out to be as good as hyped and the price comes down a little, this may very well be the system to beat in the future. I say this because I think the PS3 is a little too far ahead of its time. Let's hope it gets some killer apps in the future.
Xbox 360
I love the interface. The menus are sleak. GoW was outstanding. I like the design and I also think the controller is a nice improvement from the last. I know it is not that big of a difference but it seems to fit in the hand better. Gotta give due to Live. Very nice.
After recently playing this, I must say I had the most fun with this system. Call me a sheep, fanboy or whatever. I don't care. I realized after comparing to the other two, the PS3 and 360 were very fun but seemed like upgrades of the previous systems, IMO. I like the fact Nintendo did something different. This is why I cannot understand why some say it is just another GC. Out of all three consoles, the Wii is the most different from the former gen. I find the Wiimote to be innovate, not a gimmick. Of course, it all depends on the games and the Wii and PS3 have yet to prove themselves. Still, I had the most fun with the Wii. I think it is worth every penny.
So there you have it. I do not claim that I know what will win the console war. I believe, however, Nintendo nailed it this time. I still want a 360 and I feel the PS3 needs to come down in price. So now I guess I'm an official sheep.
I can deal with that.
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