Think about it: the PS3 was built to be future proof. They made it to last 10 years, just like the PS1 and PS2. It has a great lineup of games, that just keep getting better every year. In my opinion better than the 360 or the Wii.
The PS3 sold more than the 360 worldwide last year, and it will definitely sale more than the 360 in 2008. This trend will only continue year after year. Also, the 360 will stop being produced in 2011 when the 720 comes out, and the PS3 will still be a viable console that sales well. Also, the worldwide economic downturn will benefit the PS3, because people want to get more out of their money, including games, blu-ray, free online, and wifi, and also media center and sd card slots. Also, there were almost 200 million PS2 owners, still waiting in the wings to get a PS3. Once the games come out, look for 180 million customers to jump in. The Cell will make sure of this.
Also, the Wii is a gimmick, plain and simply. Gamecube 1.5, with motion controls. Eventually people will realize that mini games are not that fun, and the PS3 will outsell it in maybe a year or two.
Hence, the PS3 can still come back and will the sells war.
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