Seriously... Nintendo's holiday lineup was crap this year. And coming from me I am a Nintendo fan I admit it I got a Wii I have a DS I play Mario I think Kirby could beat the snot out of Kratos and Master Cheif but where was the good stuff for Christmas?! I was let down this Holiday season by my favorite company I admit but I was looking at Nintendo's Summer Line up al I got to say is I think they're indeed Hiding something I'm guessing a sequel to something or heck possibly a 3D remake of something old school I ain't to sure but while sony and Microsoft were at each other's throats for the holidays they completely overlooked Nintendo due to Nintendo shadowing themselves with a horrible winter line up. So I've predicted by looking at what's been revealed so far and rumors as well. I think Nintendo is gonna pull a fast one on us all and surprise us with some kind of golden gem. Only game I can noticeably say I'd get right off hand though is Mario and Luigi RPG3 but they've kept silent over the last few months.
nintendo has a bunch of stuff planned they have 0 first party games annouced for 2009 and we all know thats not how they roll, I'm thinking a new Mario Golf or Tennis and Kid Icarus
Well, a new Zelda is expected and there's a few untouched franchises yet so there's definetely gonna be a few good games announced during E3. I'm hoping for a new IP that's not something like Wii {insert crappy title here}.
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