[QUOTE="kungfuchaos"]Whats more sad is people who come on here day after day after day after day after day after day whining about exclusivity one way or the other. I can honestly count the number of "exclusive" games that I have played since 2005 on both my hands...maybe!!! I just dont understand why it is so important for some of you to have exclusive games. Is it for bragging rights? If it is, GROW UP!!! Is it out of fear that a particular console will lose sales or go out of business? If it is, get a new hobby!!! Seriously, this exclusive talk is lame and makes all of those who talk about it each and every day look a little insecure.
So true, the number of worthy exclusives on both platform are so few in number, this gen is mostly about mulit plat games. The only AAA exclusive titles this gen have been Halo 3, the two Gears Games, Uncharted 2 (Mass Effect but that's changed) , Gow 3 and... some inconsequential racing titles. It's not been a great time for exclusives.
you forgot some gamesYeah I know but exclusives aren't as big of a deal this gen, at least with regards to the really hyped games. All in all, I hope people realize the 360 has a distinct advantage in comparison to the other consoles (Not platforms but consoles, nintendo's and sony's).
There are going to be a ton of microsoft exclusives that go under the radar i.e. multiplatform games exclusive to the 360 consoles (which means PC and 360). So if it's an issue of interesting titles coming out on one console and not the others, 360 would win on sheer numbers.
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