...and holy God, what an awesome and intense game. This is, hands down, the most innovative horror title since RE4. The story is so well told and has a wonderful ending. The use of the atmosphere and phone to 'hint' the story to you is as innovative as scanning was in Metroid Prime. Characters are well voice acted and move naturally with believable facial animations that look better than most HD games. The controls are super intuitive and simple and the flashlight is the best in video game history.
Where the game has room for improvement is in it's nightmare scenes. They are damn intense and will get you sitting at the edge of your seat holding your breath. It's hard to describe the feeling when you escape a nightmare and return to the normal world. It's a feeling of relief rarely ever felt in a video game. But, the nightmares can get frustrating. They are maze like and you will only see one type of monster the whole game. Their appearance will subtly change, but that's it. The labyrinth like nature of the nightmare world will have you running helplessly in circles until you feel like quitting. Getting out of a nightmare feels more like luck than anything.
Some have complained about the game's length, but I'll tell you now, this is definitely a game you will want to play at least twice. With the psychological profiling and with your in-game interactions changing subtle differences in the way things play out, and with the game having 5 endings, it's worth playing two or three times if not more. A speed run only takes about three hours, and that's good, because if the game were longer, it would probably wouln't be as flawlessly paced. Instead, the game is perfectly paced and it's short nature makes multiple run-throughs more acceptable.
All in all, I'm highlty impressed and recommend that if you own a wii, at least rent Silent hill if not just go out and buy it. I really hope that we see more games like this from climax, all be it with some improvements. The nightmare world needs some fixing, but by the end of it, I just felt wanting more. I felt as if this game was a great idea that has yet to be fully realized. All the more reason for a sequel.
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