Why? Because YOU, yes you who blindly defend your consoles sales here in system wars are the definition of a tool. You are blindly following some rich company who strings you along, no you are not a gamer you are a TOOL.
Why should somebody care how much a product sells (unless of coarse you have a lot of money invested in the product)? At system wars I have seen thread after thread that looks like "Wii will crush 360, 360 wont ever loose the lead blah blah". The thread then gets tons of pointless responses arguing over something completely insignificant. Can you tell me who argues over the sale of cars, TVs, movies, or even music? No-one.
If you where a true gamer, you would not care if your system sold the most units because you would be able to see that its all irrelevant. A real gamer will like their system because of the games it has. This is what makes a system important. This is what makes a system fun to play. Unfortunately most people don't realize this and feel the need to defend something that has little impact on them in the long-run. Just have fun and enjoy what you are playing.
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