Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, and especially online multiplayer are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
EDIT: :lol: The Lulz is delicious!
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Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, and especially online multiplayer are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
EDIT: :lol: The Lulz is delicious!
yes because psn which is free doesnt have
voice chat
6 person video chat and
dedicated servers for most games
and the ability to send pictures and messages
and to compare trophys and to get demos right away
Here!! Here!! You pay for the best and forget the rest.Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, matchmaking are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, matchmaking are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
Really? I can get all that for free.
I like flaunting my money around.
I have every game console and a gaming rig.
I have three Macs and a upper range netbook.
I pay for xbox live four years in advance.
Screw the rules, I have money.
All of the above also makes me immune to losing THE GAME.
Anyway yes, Xbox live is nice to have, but not as nice as having 3 PS3s.
Unforcunetly i do not have 3 PS3s, but i do have two.
I enjoy playing video games.
Have i one upped you yet?
I for one don't like paying for online gaming, because it makes me feel like I'm pressured to play everyday or else I'm not getting my money's worth.tagyhag
same. I dont play online very often either; just a lil here and there..doesnt justify the $50 subscription
[QUOTE="dolph1073"]XBL? the best? last time i checked steam was the bestIrick_cbI hate steam. It is buggy and crude, not to mention DD is the devil.
well the devil is the future. and thats only one side of steam. steam hasnt been buggy for a couple years now and it may be 'crude' but it gets the job done the right way, and its free.
I like flaunting my money around.
I have every game console and a gaming rig.
I have three Macs and a upper range netbook.
I pay for xbox live four years in advance.
Screw the rules, I have money.
All of the above also makes me immune to losing THE GAME.
Abridged FTW! :lol:
This. And TC I understand some what. There is an empowerment in supporting oneself in life without the need for mommy and daddy to make ends meet, and pay for the things we want for ourselves.Congrats, it's your money, spend it how you like.
I'd like a list of all the games that have dedicated servers for the PS3 please. Come on. I'm waiting. :)yes because psn which is free doesnt have
voice chat
6 person video chat and
dedicated servers for most games
and the ability to send pictures and messages
and to compare trophys and to get demos right away
cant people see that TC is being sarcastic? he is laughing at people who pay $50.xxThyLordxxAnother winner.
[QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]cant people see that TC is being sarcastic? he is laughing at people who pay $50.InfinityMugenAnother winner. also, Samurai Champloo for the win. I wonder what Shinichirō Watanabe is working on now.
[QUOTE="InfinityMugen"][QUOTE="xxThyLordxx"]cant people see that TC is being sarcastic? he is laughing at people who pay $50.xxThyLordxxAnother winner. also, Samurai Champloo for the win. I wonder what Shinichirō Watanabe is working on now. Last thing I heard he was working on a Live Action Cowboy Beebop. You also have a great taste in games I might add.
Anyone who says..."i like paying for online gaming" needs to be hit in the head with a tackhammer. Give me free any day.
TC is on a roll. Look how easily people are baited by fakeboy posts. :lol: Nobody LIKES paying for online. Any lemming that says they truely like it is a complete liar. It's like throwing your money away, nobody wants to. Everybody knows if Microsoft went and asked all the 360 owners if they'd rather pay for online or have it free they'd choose the free. It doesn't take a genius to figure that out.Messiahbolical-Hook, Line, and Sinker. Kudos to you as well.:)
Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, matchmaking are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
i enjoy those same privledges for free
i second this the same live service of MS is for free on your PC
Because it ensures I'm experiencing the best gaming experience possible. Voice chat, friends list, and especially online multiplayer are just some of the many privelages I enjoy with my $50 a year subscription.
EDIT: :lol: The Lulz is delicious!
Ha, that's a pretty funny joke post.
[QUOTE="stereointegrity"]I'd like a list of all the games that have dedicated servers for the PS3 please. Come on. I'm waiting. :)yes because psn which is free doesnt have
voice chat
6 person video chat and
dedicated servers for most games
and the ability to send pictures and messages
and to compare trophys and to get demos right away
Pretty much all 1st party games are on dedicated servers. Maybe that's why I can play no lag on KZ2 and UC2 with a 60% wireless connection.
I just really wish that on PSN if you were chatting with someone about a game and wanted to show them a screenshot of the game, you could somehow open up an internet browser, search google images, download the picture and message it to them so they could use it as a custom background. Oh wait...
[QUOTE="Irick_cb"][QUOTE="dolph1073"]XBL? the best? last time i checked steam was the bestdolph1073I hate steam. It is buggy and crude, not to mention DD is the devil. blind fanboy hate thats all your full of
Pff, i hate it for EULA reasons and the fact you are locked in to a single buggy client.
I hate DD in general, not just Steam, i like having physical copies of games that do not rely on a service that is not guaranteed.
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