Call of Duty is the game that changed it all, bringing killstreaks to the table with all kinds of perks and the ability to spawn with any gun that your level lets you unlock. Now, every game takes this approach, every game feels like you need to be given this huge advantage over new players and that more is better. I don't think it is.
Uncharted 2's multiplayer was simple 5 vs. 5. There were some perks, but generally everyone started out on a near level playing field. I really enjoyed it, the shooting was fast and intense, but with a game like plunder my teams were coordinating, it was a slow enough game where you could plan your next move and, before a certain patch, you had enough health to turn around and take down an enemy who got the first shot. The platforming added a new dimension to the game and hiding was a successful option. Knowing the map layout was hugely important too, knowing where to find the best guns, where players would clutter, where to run when your outgunned, the fastest and sneakiest way to flank your enemies, all helped you.
Then we get Uncharted 3, they add a sprint button and a buddy spawn system, destroying any sense of intensity. Picking up the treasure in plunder is a damn death sentence, the game is not nearly as forgiving to new players, and although the maps are well designed, all you have to do is make a bee line to wherever you want to be and THAT is faster and just as quiet as taking a longer approach. There is no skill other than your ability to aim. There is no more strategy.
Why can't we have slower multiplayer game that aren't about twitch reflexes or your level (or less about your level) and more about knowledge of the map and coordination? It was more intense and more fun. The most fun games of BC2 or Uncharted 2 I've had aren't the ones where my team slaughtering the other team just talking about life and having some far out discussion about what it means to exist. The best games are the ones where we loose trying to keep the other team from returning the last treasure in a game of plunder, or barely edging out the other team in a game of conquest thanks to an amazing helicopter deployment at their base.
While we're at it, why don't games have better matchmaking or separate the teams based on a skill rating.
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