This post if for people the want to hear from someone that actually has all three systems at home as the the effect that I actually know what i'm talking about and not just guessing what system is the best of the 3 (at the moment and highly subject to change)
First of all Graphics: I'm really not that impressed with graphics. If you are great but for me awsome graphics are fun for about 15 minutes. The 360 wins hands down in graphics. The PS3 games that really push the system are simply not out yet though so this is subject to change. The Wii graphics are less than exciting, but not NEARLY as bad as fanboys would lead you to beleive. My eyes do not hurt when I play the wii at all and the wii will lend itself to games that have an anime style and cartoon style cut scenes something that i really enjoy.
The look of the system and the controller:I like the PS3 controller alot. I did not think that I would but it is so light that it really feels great when you are playing with it. The Ps3 alost has the really cool run your finger over the power button to turn it on thing (cooler than it sounds lol). The Ps3 itslef looks like crap overall i should mention though of the 3 it is ugly looking. Next the 360. The controller is nice but not as nice as the Ps3 controller in my opionion. It looses point by being much heavier. The system looks much better than the PS3 but nothing compared to the wii. The Wii is a sexy looking system with a VERY sexy controller. The wii is inbetween my 360 and my Ps3 and i think of it as like the rockstar of the 3 with its 2 huge bouncers (the Ps3 and 360) protecting it lol. So for look and controller The Wii takes it hands down.
Games: My Ps3 only has one game right now and you all know what that is. Resistance. I like Resistance more than Gears of War (shoot me but i really so sorry). But I like Zelda more than Resistance. Viva Pinada is awsome on the 360 and oblivion yes very nice (360). Wario ware is hot stuff on the Wii and red steel is better than you think it is beleive it or not your choice. I like odd games and new ideas so I think the Wii and 360 are a tie and the Ps3 will catch up soon but not for a few years. Ok I changed my mind the 360 is the winner for now buy just a little bit...
Functions: 360>Ps3=Wii The 360 wins hands down. The wii and Ps3 need time to catch up they will rock.
Downloadable content: The Wii and The 360 are a tie here with the Ps3 far behind. The Ps3 needs more time get back in a few years and we will see the Ps3 doing ALOT BETTER in this area. The wii virtual console is just awsome (i have like 10 games on it already) and the 360 has geometry wars and street fighter online need I say more?
If you can only get ONE system this year get a 360.
If you can only get 2 systems get a 360 and a Wii.
Now in 2 years i would say get a Ps3 and a Wii.
Think of the Ps3 as a slow roasting marinade. It needs some time to get ready but when it does look out its gonna be good. But right now its kinda crap.
Note: You OWE it to yourself to get 2 systems this generation a wii and one of the other guys. The wii is so weired, so interesting, so graphicly inferior is simply cannot be ignored. It gets the most play in my house though the 360 is ever so close. I hope this was of some help to those wondering what to get.
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