SM3DL could've passed as a new IP, if it didn't use Mario.
Same with Galaxy
Other M
Epic yarn
Punch Out
Kid Icarus Uprising
+ Many more
I seriously don't see the problem. We're getting new IP's like Xenoblade, Disaster Day of Crisis (EU/AUS and JP), Pushmo, Mii/Wii and we're getting old IP's Like Metroid, Luigis Mansion, Mario Kart, Punch Out, Kid Icarus, Kirby, Pokemon, Mario (3D), Mario Party, Mario (2D), Donkey Kong, SSB, Fire Emblem, Wario Ware, Wario Land etc. But everyone's always complainig about Nintendo only focusing Zelda and Mario?
The last time we got a console Zelda title was 5 years ago, and everyone's going nuts calling it a rehash?
We get one Mario Kart per system, and people call it a rehash? Why don't people call Fire Emblem a rehash?
We had 2 Metroid games exclusive for the Wii this gen, and one Zelda exclusive for the Wii, and everyone's crying about to much Zelda and not enough Metroid?
We had 1 2D Mario title for the Wii, which WASN'T a port from the DS version. (contrary to popular belief)
For the First time ever, we got 2 3D mario titles for a home system. (Only 2)
Nintendo release 2 ports of 15 year old titles for the new audiences, which many haven't even played yet, and people call the 3DS port city? ("HD" remakes anyone?)
I could go on with facts, but I digress.
People Who complain about Nintendo only focusing on Mario and Zelda need to get their heads out of their asses.
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