@Juub1990 said:
Can't say I disagree with that but what concerns me is the fact that some games already had to cut out things for the sake of the X1 and PS4. Syndicate as I said before isn't nearly as impressive as Unity mainly for performance reasons. I do agree the creative landscape is barren and that getting rid of these consoles wouldn't change that but again, this isn't the point being discussed. You do make a good point by saying they have a solid install base which would lead to more sales which in turn would lead to bigger budgets and perhaps better games. Then again, I don't believe an absolutely ludicrous budget is needed to make a technically and visually stunning game. Way too much money these days is being spent on marketing and fluff(more than on development) and it causes devs to have unrealistic expectations when it comes to sales.
Unity isn't a good game, that franchise prioritizes bullshit over actually improving the game mechanics or coming up with gameplay scenarios more interesting than "follow that dude".
As for the money, no making a game at a triple A scale totally costs. Marketing a game still matters, because without good marketing you don't actually sell. There is way too many people working on those games getting a paycheck, so it's not like the budget isn't already increased on that front alone. And given how much people love their tech and need shit to look detailed and immersive and all that nonsense, yep that costs, that's a lot of man power to get that stuff done, and then there is production value cost. Because it's not like we're going back to the era of no voice acting and no mocap in video games.
So yeah completely dropping a healthy install base that has responded to reasonably marketed video games by making them successful, I'd say dropping them cold turkey is super short sighted for something we don't necessarily need and wouldn't push shit forward to begin with. Given that MGSV is an unfinished video game, and Kojima spent a shit load of money on that game (and it fucking shows with how many different gameplay options you can have going in any given mission, it's mechanically head and shoulders, and fucking torso over any other open world game we got this gen, like not even close); I'd say part of the issue is that high end production games just cost too much to do anything, and then take a shit ton of time to boot.
The triple A space's first big deal isn't getting new fancy tech, it needs to be readjustment of their business. Going cold turkey to Scorpio/Neo will more than likely piss off the audience, and saying pissing off the audience is no big deal. Yeah that's true a lot of times with gamers, because they are the worst fanbase of anything ever. But every now and then they gain a backbone, and you get the Xbox One scenario where the community gave it a cold middle finger.
So no fam, the creative bankruptcy and how expensive modern games are totally plays in this discussion. Because it would only add to the problem as opposing to improving anything.
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