[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"] I mean all I hear is PS3 has potential while the 360 is maxed out. 2008 isPS3 year the 360 has nothing. The PS3 shows it graphical progression the 360 can't even beat the Gears of War after a year.
You guys need to calm down. The 360 is far from being maxed out and it has plenty for 2008. Just because one system has more popular well known games doesn't mean it is going to be that system year. It could be, but that is all just speculation now.
How about you guys wait until the next gaming conference to see what the 360 has in store. I picked the 360 over the PS3 because it isn't an establish console and doesn't have staple games to call them xbox's ips. I like new ips and generally choose them over established franchise if they are fun, and I consider the established franchise stale( I have nothing against sequals I like sequals too). Not saying the PS3 doesn't have new IPs, but the 360 has more and they seem far interesting.
However this doesn't mean I do not want a PS3. I do and will be getting one when FFXIII comes out unless level 5 finds a way to make the battle system awesome again in WKS.
Microsoft might have alot of surprises for you. Sucks that people only want to see Sony succeed. During the Nintendo Sega era I preferred Sega, but never felt that Nintendo was utterly crap and had no games I could ever enjoy. I don't see why people were like that last gen and this gen.
I don't know what your front page looks like but until November most of the front page threads here in SW were talking bad about PS3, saying it has no good games and other myths. I am glad you chose the 360 for yourself but you kind of contradict yourself in your post. You say you avoid sequels and chose new IPs but then say you will get a PS3, not for Little Big Planet, HS, Uncharted, Warhawk, or many other solid new Ips but for FFXIII. The freakin 13th entry into this series and you complain about sequels?
I would have bought ps3 by now if the games you mention where worth the $60. A 7 -9 hour experience for HS and a 12 hr experience Uncharted is not worth shelling $400 on a system when these two games my most highly anticipated games at that doesn't even break 30 hrs of gameplay combined. Once I beat a game I am done. Unless it has achievements that I want to get.FFXIII is not really a sequal because it is an entirely new game. I stated WKS didn't I?
The PS3 has many of the same games as the 360. Most of them run just as well on the PS3. Aside from the plentiful exclusives that give around the same gameplay time as many solid games like MGS, GOW, and the not so 40 hour ME, you can enjoy tons of multiplats like Need for Speed, Dirt, Oblivion, Rainbow Six, NGS, COD 4, etc.. Not to mention the fact that you can watch HD movies when you dont wanna game.
Oh and Warhawk, Resistence, COD 4,Motorstorm and Rainbow Six are all solid online games that easily give you more then 30 hours of gameplay. At the end of the day it comes down to preference. You chose the 360 because it was best for your taste. In my opinion the PS3 easily justified the 400 I spend on it. Since launch I have played plenty of games on a regular basis and got a freakin solid Blu ray collection as well.
Sorry buddy, but I wanted Halo 3. However I wans't going to get the 360 if it did not get any JRPGs. Once Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Cry On, Magna Carta 2, Eternal Sonata, and Infinit Undiscovery was announced I jumped in. I normally not a fan of the FF series though, but FFXIII and FFversus peeked my interests. Once again if WKS story truns out to be awesome again I will buy a PS3 along with that game.Also most multiplat games have been better on the 360 and were not delayed.
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