I'd agree they're in serious trouble one way or another, either they really are in no position to fund games themselves or they're just making horrible business decisions.
I don't buy it though they didn't have the funds to develop SFV. They turned a profit last fiscal year. Yet I hear people bring up that their quarter ending a the end of September saw a 50% decline in revenues, as like to say "business is bad". People are way to reactionary and need to take a step back. Of course sales are down. Ask yourself, what has Capcom released in 2014? Let's see, Strider, Ace Attorney Trilogy, Ultra Street Fighter 4 add-on... that's about it. Shit, that's not enough to get to 50% YoY by itself, they probably made most that from Monster Hunter 4 3DS sales in Japan. Hell, their Japan focus IMO is the real reason for any decline. While the West got squat they gave their domestic market MH4, Monster Hunter Frontier 5G, Monster Hunter Frontier GG, and Sengoku Basara 4. They don't seem too committed to serving the Western market and that should be alarming.
Still, I'd find it hard to think they don't have the money to fund a Street Fighter game. It's more likely IMO that this is Capcom just playing favorites, and it wouldn't be a first. They did it with the PS2, GameCube, they did it with the Wii/DS, and they're doing it again. And, they're probably doing it at their own expense.
If it were the case that Sony shelled out wads of cash too much for Capcom to refuse I'd have no problem whatsoever having them make SFV exclusive for the PS4. That would be good business. However, if Capcom just by preference decided to make SFV exclusively for the PS4, with no more financial assistance than assistance in marketing costs for their domestic market, then I'd really have to question their business sense. I wouldn't be upset personally because I wouldn't get it anyways but man, way for to them set the course toward a day when they're not around to make games I do care about. I have doubts about the deal, mainly because Sony is in no position to be shelling out that kind of money to make it worth their time. Secondly, Capcom has had a multi-generation habit of playing favorites at their own expense for the system maker's benefit. Happened with the Playstation 2, the GameCube, happened with the Wii/DS, happening again with the PS4.
Though, I've seen the writing on the wall with Capcom for years. All going back to the very poor decision to close Clover Studios, that IMO lead to a chain reaction to put them on the course they are today. The closing of Clover lead to the their senior game creators leaving, and though it's not been written about much I can only imagine that when they left to create Platinum Games they probably took vital staff with them as well. People who things like coding, art design, animations, people they've worked with for years that were vital to their success at Capcom. Because I thought it was very clear after that happened, Capcom's games have taken a serious hit in the quality assurance area. Sure, they closed the studio to save a buck short term, but they lost the most important create assets they had. Sure, they can keep licenses, but if they lose the people that made them what they were then their helpless. That's how they've appeared throughout last gen, pretty helpless.
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