1-Respawn straight up said they release their battle royal game without letting anyone know, cause they didn't want to give journalists and stupid ass people on twitter, several months to pick them apart. They completely avoided a Crackdown 3 or Battlefront 2 by not prehyping their game.
"Now, “we have a free-to-play game with loot boxes,” McCoy says matter-of-factly, adding that he knows how that looks and what it sounds like on the surface. But that’s precisely why Respawn is getting the game out the door immediately, so players can try it and form their opinions instead of doing so in a Reddit thread or a YouTube comment section."
2-Sony completely separated themselves from E3 and canceled PSX, and likely cause they are sick of journalists and fans and don't want to show them shit just so a new puddlegate can happen.
"“When we decided to take video games out of CES, back in 1995 during the PlayStation 1 era, E3 served two constituencies,” says Layden in the extensive interview. “Retailers and journalists. Retailers would come in – you’d see a guy come in, and he’d say, ‘I’m from Sears, and I handle Hot Wheels, Barbie, VHS and video games. So what are you about?’ There was a huge educational component. Then you had journalists who had magazines and lead time and jockeying for position on the cover. And there was no internet to speak of. So a trade show at that time of year for this nascent industry was exactly what we needed to do."
“Now we have an event in February called Destination PlayStation, where we bring all retailers and third-party partners to come hear the story for the year. They’re making purchasing discussions in February. June, now, is just too late to have a Christmas holiday discussion with retailers. So retail has really dropped off. And journalists now, with the internet and the fact that 24/7 there is game news, it’s lost its impact around that.”
What I think:
Fact is journalists are no longer needed and are the ones who will pick anyone apart for clicks and likes, and they are the ones spearheading the flame wars with their stupid scores and selective reporting, cause like all journalist they spin every news story just like a bunch of back stabbing rats like TMZ. And just spend 2 seconds on YouTube and Twitter, and countless ignat ass mofos who think they know everything.
Look at Crackdown 3, people online giving it shit cause it has visual downgrades from earlier teaser, the same echo chamber who complained about countless games for a demo looking better than final product. I mean people are ruthless and pathetic, and just want to be negative, why feed a machine that bites you.
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