Look at GTA4 on xbox360, it has graphical problems that it makes the game completely un-playable and yet it scored the same as the ps3 version. The game is riddled with glitches, pop-ins, freezing and draw distance that is soo bad that while you are speeding down the street with a car you end up hiting a wall of a building due to horrible pop-ins glitches.
Here are some of the videos that prove my claim...
And there are tons more on youtube, and its soo funny how GS never even made a big deal about this. They lower the score of FO3 on ps3 cuz someone's head was flickering or didn show up or something but meanwhile gta4 on x360 has problems that are ten times worse than that. In one of the videos on youtube shows a car going down the street and all of a sudden the car ends up hitting police cars that just show up on screen that were never there from few feet back. How could GS not find this also to effect the gameplay like they charged FO3 on ps3 with things that are not even close to the problems the xbox360 has with gta4.
So there you have it folks, I officialy find GS to be somewhat biased towards PS3 with tons of evidence that I provided. But dont get me wrong folks, should games score lower if one version has major issues? yes, i agree but you just cant be biased towards one console and praise other one, that is not what legit reviews do, sorry GS but you really showed your true colors this time...
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