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well i think your overrated IMO
this is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you dissagree 9 (welcome to system wars BTW, where when you say this it is 10 times more likely to happen) i just think your post is very repetitive and nothing the haters haven't posted before.
btw, brawl is a multiplayer game through and through, any single player is a nice extra.
Oh well, at least it's better then Halo 3! Trust me, you'll get into it again. I used to played Super Smash Bros. on my Nintendo 64, I got bored of it, then came back to it, then got bored of it again. I traded my Nintendo 64 for a PS1 along with all my Nintendo 64 games. After a few weeks, I missed Super Smash Bros. and I really regretted trading it in.
Just so you know, all games get repetitive after some time!
This is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you disagree i just think it gets really repetative after a while and single player isn't that great.stedtfeld
Dont worry your not alone. I beat single player, played online a few times, played a few friends and traded it in. Its not for me I guess. * GOD FORBID YOU BASH THE SHEEPS PRIDE AND JOY*. You are going to be flamed, and called a fake boy, just because nobody can understand how some one can not like SSMB..... This is a very overrated game IMO. The wii reviews are at a lower standard than the 360/ps3.
I think it's overrated more b/c even though I enjoyed the SP (it was a decent attempt), and love the MP, it's really just more of the same. Had the online been implemented better or if I was still younger I would probably think it's rated just fine.-RPGamer-Your signature explains your post. Yes, I am judging you by your signature.
[QUOTE="stedtfeld"]This is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you disagree i just think it gets really repetative after a while and single player isn't that great.lolkie_81
Dont worry your not alone. I beat single player, played online a few times, played a few friends and traded it in. Its not for me I guess. * GOD FORBID YOU BASH THE SHEEPS PRIDE AND JOY*. You are going to be flamed, and called a fake boy, just because nobody can understand how some one can not like SSMB..... This is a very overrated game IMO. The wii reviews are at a lower standard than the 360/ps3.
the only thing at a lower standered for wii is grafics, and even then its set prty high for the system after seeing what it can do.
It took ten times longer for me to get bored of Halo 3 because i think it is a better game and i didn't even play brawl that much and it got old.Oh well, at least it's better then Halo 3! Trust me, you'll get into it again. I used to played Super Smash Bros. on my Nintendo 64, I got bored of it, then came back to it, then got bored of it again. I traded my Nintendo 64 for a PS1 along with all my Nintendo 64 games. After a few weeks, I missed Super Smash Bros. and I really regretted trading it in.
Just so you know, all games get repetitive after some time!
I think it's overrated more b/c even though I enjoyed the SP (it was a decent attempt), and love the MP, it's really just more of the same. Had the online been implemented better or if I was still younger I would probably think it's rated just fine.-RPGamer-
I liked the SP too.....I seeemd to crash out and burn like a suprnova on this one. It was my first Smash Bros. game and I played it a lot the first week it came out, but now....I can't seem to find something to grab me back in. I'm not really all that interested in collecting all the little trinkets and stuff (although I can see the appeal definitely), I have no friends with a Wii, and even if I knew of some people who owned Wii's it's not really that interesting to play against them online because of the whole onlin setup (lack of ; lobbies, voice chat, leaderboards, etc.) Maybe I just made a misguided purchase and got swept up in the hype.....
why you had to bring Halo into it? Also why are you comparing a party fighter game to a FPS. Also SSBB is not as fun as it used to be. I only play the game from time to time to play as sonic.Oh well, at least it's better then Halo 3! Trust me, you'll get into it again. I used to played Super Smash Bros. on my Nintendo 64, I got bored of it, then came back to it, then got bored of it again. I traded my Nintendo 64 for a PS1 along with all my Nintendo 64 games. After a few weeks, I missed Super Smash Bros. and I really regretted trading it in.
Just so you know, all games get repetitive after some time!
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]I think it's overrated more b/c even though I enjoyed the SP (it was a decent attempt), and love the MP, it's really just more of the same. Had the online been implemented better or if I was still younger I would probably think it's rated just fine.Dion4everYour signature explains your post. Yes, I am judging you by your signature.
I own every Nintendo system except for the VB (sold that heap a long time ago). The Legend of Zelda is one of my all time favorite franchises ever.
So do go on. :|
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]I think it's overrated more b/c even though I enjoyed the SP (it was a decent attempt), and love the MP, it's really just more of the same. Had the online been implemented better or if I was still younger I would probably think it's rated just fine.Dion4everYour signature explains your post. Yes, I am judging you by your signature.
[QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]I think it's overrated more b/c even though I enjoyed the SP (it was a decent attempt), and love the MP, it's really just more of the same. Had the online been implemented better or if I was still younger I would probably think it's rated just fine.MikeE21286
I liked the SP too.....I seeemd to crash out and burn like a suprnova on this one. It was my first Smash Bros. game and I played it a lot the first week it came out, but now....I can't seem to find something to grab me back in. I'm not really all that interested in collecting all the little trinkets and stuff (although I can see the appeal definitely), I have no friends with a Wii, and even if I knew of some people who owned Wii's it's not really that interesting to play against them online because of the whole onlin setup (lack of ; lobbies, voice chat, leaderboards, etc.) Maybe I just made a misguided purchase and got swept up in the hype.....
I don't know how you guys liked the single player. i found it truly unnecessary. I just wanted to beat the game with every character to unlock characters. That single player mode was more of a chore than anything else.[QUOTE="club-sandwich"]do you have friends?stedtfeldYea, friends that play COD4.well, play it with them then.
I don't know how you guys liked the single player. i found it truly unnecessary. I just wanted to beat the game with every character to unlock characters. That single player mode was more of a chore than anything else.too_much_eslim
What I don't like about the single player is that it's generic. By generic I mean it's designed to be played by any character. I think it would be sweet if they had a character specific adventure mode for every character. It would be like a collection of side scroller titles all rolled into one. Then they could toss in cool little things like "I am Error". :P
[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"] I don't know how you guys liked the single player. i found it truly unnecessary. I just wanted to beat the game with every character to unlock characters. That single player mode was more of a chore than anything else.-RPGamer-
What I don't like about the single player is that it's generic. By generic I mean it's designed to be played by any character. I think it would be sweet if they had a character specific adventure mode for every character. It would be like a collection of side scroller titles all rolled into one. Then they could toss in cool little things like "I am Error". :P
my real gripe I was only doing it to get sonic. It is sad that he is the last character you unlock before you reach the boss. That pissed me off the most. The game was more like a weak platformer more than anything else. They should have stayed the same way as the previous games. ALso shadow should have been playable too. That assis trophy is cool, but I would rather play as him.I have Melee on my Gamecube and my friend got Brawl in a hurry. I played Brawl with him with a GC controller. I have to say. The game is the same as Melee. I mean maybe someone else can find a distinct difference, but not me. Even the graphics looked similar. I actually went home and booted up Melee just to check my theory.
So, YES Brawl is overrated and repetitive and the brainchild of a lazy Nintendo employee. "Gee guys what if we have the Nintendo characters fight!?" Just lazy. New IP Nintendo, plz.
Yeah its overrated I think it deserves 8.5-9.ma7moud93
agreed. i loved the first two but SSBB just seemed too similar to SSBM. the only difference is a map editor (even though the original maps will always be better) and a cheesy and boring adventure mode.
I dissagree. I've put nearly 80 hours into it in all and I'm not even close to sick of it.laughingman42
Same here (instead I've put just over 70 hours into the game). It's a ton of fun to me. Well, not right now because it took me forever to find a match online, and I just lost a ton of times, so I'm pretty mad, but I still love the game.
Most of my playtime (actually almost all) has been single-player. I constantly play online. I'm still trying to get good. If you're bored check out the online board for the game here. It always keeps me coming back for more.
[QUOTE="laughingman42"]I dissagree. I've put nearly 80 hours into it in all and I'm not even close to sick of it.bstarter29
Same here (instead I've put just over 70 hours into the game). It's a ton of fun to me. Well, not right now because it took me forever to find a match online, and I just lost a ton of times, so I'm pretty mad, but I still love the game.
Most of my playtime (actually almost all) has been single-player. I constantly play online. I'm still trying to get good. If you're bored check out the online board for the game here. It always keeps me coming back for more.
I don't see how you can play single player that much[QUOTE="bstarter29"][QUOTE="laughingman42"]I dissagree. I've put nearly 80 hours into it in all and I'm not even close to sick of it.stedtfeld
Same here (instead I've put just over 70 hours into the game). It's a ton of fun to me. Well, not right now because it took me forever to find a match online, and I just lost a ton of times, so I'm pretty mad, but I still love the game.
Most of my playtime (actually almost all) has been single-player. I constantly play online. I'm still trying to get good. If you're bored check out the online board for the game here. It always keeps me coming back for more.
I don't see how you can play single player that muchI've played a good 10 hours of vs against the computer, I can't get my router to work and my friends aren't always available, Its really not that bad.
[QUOTE="stedtfeld"]This is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you disagree i just think it gets really repetative after a while and single player isn't that great.lolkie_81
Dont worry your not alone. I beat single player, played online a few times, played a few friends and traded it in. Its not for me I guess. * GOD FORBID YOU BASH THE SHEEPS PRIDE AND JOY*. You are going to be flamed, and called a fake boy, just because nobody can understand how some one can not like SSMB..... This is a very overrated game IMO. The wii reviews are at a lower standard than the 360/ps3.
you can't be serious. have you ever figured that the games actually deserved that score? doubtful[QUOTE="bstarter29"][QUOTE="laughingman42"]I dissagree. I've put nearly 80 hours into it in all and I'm not even close to sick of it.stedtfeld
Same here (instead I've put just over 70 hours into the game). It's a ton of fun to me. Well, not right now because it took me forever to find a match online, and I just lost a ton of times, so I'm pretty mad, but I still love the game.
Most of my playtime (actually almost all) has been single-player. I constantly play online. I'm still trying to get good. If you're bored check out the online board for the game here. It always keeps me coming back for more.
I don't see how you can play single player that muchOnline isn't single player. There may be no voice chat, but I'm still playing other people.
i agree
IMO, the single player still sucks, the online is a horrible addition(you can't even pick what type of game you're playing when you do "matchmaking"), the friend codes are annoying, the core gameplay is almost exactly the same, and having played the crap out of melee, i feel no need to play the crap out of brawl. it's not any different because i'm playing wolf instead of fox, ike instead of roy.
IMO, brawl is a polished version of melee.
edit: before i get flamed to oblivion, it is a fantastic game, and while i do believe it didn't deserve more than 9.0, i still acknlowledge SSBB as an amazing achievement in the fighter genre.
I like the game, but 9.5? I wouldn't give it that, especially considering SMG got the same score. white_sox
well SMG deserved a 10.:D
[QUOTE="stedtfeld"]This is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you disagree i just think it gets really repetative after a while and single player isn't that great.lolkie_81
Dont worry your not alone. I beat single player, played online a few times, played a few friends and traded it in. Its not for me I guess. * GOD FORBID YOU BASH THE SHEEPS PRIDE AND JOY*. You are going to be flamed, and called a fake boy, just because nobody can understand how some one can not like SSMB..... This is a very overrated game IMO. The wii reviews are at a lower standard than the 360/ps3.
The statement in bold and outline=loss of all argument's credibility
Seems like every popular game is overrated nowadays...hmm...
Either way, I like Brawl, but I respect that it really isnt everyone's cup of tea. Different strokes for different folks as they say. No matter how good a game is, there's gonna be some people who dont like, find something disappointing, etc.
Pretty much what this guy says. Melee is my second favourite game of all time and Brawl is just a huge disappointment. All it had to do to be even better was to make online lag-free and allow people to make custon games. They failed. Brawl does not deserve a 9.5. If you think Brawl deserves that score...go back into the de lorean and play Melee at launch in 2001. It's the exact same game with minor additions that wouldnt make me dish out another 50 bucks.i agree
IMO, the single player still sucks, the online is a horrible addition(you can't even pick what type of game you're playing when you do "matchmaking"), the friend codes are annoying, the core gameplay is almost exactly the same, and having played the crap out of melee, i feel no need to play the crap out of brawl. it's not any different because i'm playing wolf instead of fox, ike instead of roy.
IMO, brawl is a polished version of melee.
[QUOTE="lolkie_81"][QUOTE="stedtfeld"]This is just my opinion don't get pissed just because you disagree i just think it gets really repetative after a while and single player isn't that great.glitchgeeman
Dont worry your not alone. I beat single player, played online a few times, played a few friends and traded it in. Its not for me I guess. * GOD FORBID YOU BASH THE SHEEPS PRIDE AND JOY*. You are going to be flamed, and called a fake boy, just because nobody can understand how some one can not like SSMB..... This is a very overrated game IMO. The wii reviews are at a lower standard than the 360/ps3.
The statement in bold and outline=loss of all argument's credibility
that whole entire "bu bu lower standards" argument was thrown out the window when SMG won GOTY over many 360/ps3 games.The only areas that are held to a lower standards are probably graphics and maybe sound *although you wouldn't be able to tell seeing as SSBB has one hell of a sound track*
of course bitter wii haters will cry foul
[QUOTE="mistervengeance"]Pretty much what this guy says. Melee is my second favourite game of all time and Brawl is just a huge disappointment. All it had to do to be even better was to make online lag-free and allow people to make custon games. They failed. Brawl does not deserve a 9.5. If you think Brawl deserves that score...go back into the de lorean and play Melee at launch in 2001. It's the exact same game with minor additions that wouldnt make me dish out another 50 bucks. if you played online with friends you can customize the rules :|i agree
IMO, the single player still sucks, the online is a horrible addition(you can't even pick what type of game you're playing when you do "matchmaking"), the friend codes are annoying, the core gameplay is almost exactly the same, and having played the crap out of melee, i feel no need to play the crap out of brawl. it's not any different because i'm playing wolf instead of fox, ike instead of roy.
IMO, brawl is a polished version of melee.
Atleast its better then halo 3? umm ok yeah bud keep thinking that.Oh well, at least it's better then Halo 3! Trust me, you'll get into it again. I used to played Super Smash Bros. on my Nintendo 64, I got bored of it, then came back to it, then got bored of it again. I traded my Nintendo 64 for a PS1 along with all my Nintendo 64 games. After a few weeks, I missed Super Smash Bros. and I really regretted trading it in.
Just so you know, all games get repetitive after some time!
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