I'm a hardcore xbox360 and MS fan but even I see the value in the PS3. However, I will not be getting one anytime soon. There is just no reason toRIGHT NOWother than getting a cheap blueray player. CURRENTLY,there aren't any good games on it to justify a 399 price tag.
The xbox360 however has a stellar lineup as well as an amazing xboxlive experience. I'm going to hold out for about a year and see how well the PS3's linup shapes out, how the online services pans out, and I want to see if BlueRay ends up being the adopted format. Furthermore, by then I'm sure the price will reduced enough to make it an amazing deal.
If all those aspects of the PS3 end up panning out, there is no doubt that I will get one. As of right now me and countless others are playing the waiting game as we enjoy our xbox360's and Wii. I do want the PS3 to do well so I can justify purchasing one but as of right now I dont see it. I'm hoping that will change in about a year. If that can happen Sony, count me in!
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