If you've been following the developer interviews and dev diaries, and if you've seen the post-mortem interview that was put up with the review, you'd know that the devs really wanted to please fans with addictive gameplay using over the top powers, and a compelling story.
They spent a year building the concept for this game, and years meshing the different technologies (Euphoria, DMM, Havok) together to form fluid gameplay that wasn't just a tech demo, but had art and style. If you played the demo, you know that they achieved this.
Reviews are a fickle thing. Taking a game, dissecting it, breaking it's wholeness into pieces and criticising them individually lead to misleading conclusions. I know that a game with this much heart poured into it's development can't be a bad game. Maybe it's not going to be as legendary as the KOTOR experience, but this SW game is one you have to pick up.
Support the devs, enjoy a new and exciting Star Wars tale, and buy this game.
Here's hoping for a sequel. Or at least another new star wars with the same concept, but improved upon with added gameplay twists and such. Not anytime soon though. These guys took their time and I'm glad they did.
Go buy the game.
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