Many game reviews are based on techinical aspect of gaming.
So, for example, Baldur's Gate 2 was praised because of its infinity engine?
More than Oblivion which is technically well made game, but due to poor story I ended up enjoying it a bit but not enjoying it that much.
Oblivion wasn't rated ~95% almost everywhere just because it was technically impressive. Look at Doom 3 -- it got around 85%, and its graphics were easily the best at that time. It wasn't buggy either.
prince of persia was in the high 80s and look how it turned out.elite_ferns1
You didn't like it. So what? Many people didn't, but manyMORE did.
[QUOTE="the_hitman_guy"] However!.. I TEND to really feel that MOST 82%- games really, really suck IMO.
How many hundreds of games in that range between 8 and 8.5 have you played? Because there are literally hundreds.
BTW, according to gamerankings only the original Megaman X is worthy of your standard (those who have played the games know that many of them despite scoring poorly are excellent. Likewise most Castlevania games are not deemed worthy, including the excellent Super Castlevania IV and Bloodlines.
Most of the Shadow Hearts series doesn't meet your standards, none of the Star Ocean series, none of the Arc the Lad games (AtLC is one of the best games I own), Grandia one of the all-time greats barely surpasses it and the rest don't, Lufia II another all-time great just edges into it the rest don't come close, do you begin to see the problem?
On MetaCritic, there are 625, to be exact, and that's from all time on all systems. But if I spent a week on each game, I'd waste two years on every hundred of games! 625/100x2=13 years!
There are, however, also on MetaCritic, at least as many games scoring above 8.5 ---> 650 games. That's still about 13 years, and many games take much longer than a week to complete.
As to the 80-85% games, I got Prey, and played it for less than an hour. It's been on my hard drive for almost a year now and I haven't touched it. (And GameSpot underscored it by giving it 7.5 -- GameRankings gave it~83%.
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