" This is Bob Simon from 60 minutes reporting to you from the World Wide Web were we are witnessing a war greater then anything going on in the Middle east. Thats right millions of Mountain Dew cans and Cheeto bags have been laid to waste all thanks to something know as System Wars.
To the average person this might seem like your typical forum, but no this goes far deeper than that. welcome to a world were logic isnt relevant and what 'I say goes' is the only means of defense in this cold hearted wasteland. countless 'N00bs,' as they call them, have tried to lay waste to some of these so called systems. In this world no system is safe....and while you may be sitting here enjoying your system for all its glory they sit here and say that its crap because it has 10gigs less then his system and the graphics are slightly different.
How can this horrible war end? well truly the war never ends, but a battle may stop as soon as Sony,MS and Nintendo make a new system thus causing a new clash of titans. The victor can be determined by means of sale figures or number of greater games...yet an offical method has yet to be decided...
These 'hardcore gamers' buy games that get AAA ratings and anything lower is just pure garbage to them. These people dont have time to play there new games, they are to busy sitting here in GameSpot telling others that there system is better.
How can we stop this? Can we stop this? these questions are unknown, all I know is Im losing brain cells repoting on this. Yes people its that terrible...
This has been Bob Simon reporting to you on the scene, back to you Steve."
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