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People looking forward to Naruto (myself included) would be wise to anticipate an A out of GS here.
And comparisons to other games on other systems still don't fly.
but it would mean naruto rise of a ninja is better than ratchet and clank.deavincalhounWell it is still an opinion. I think Phantom Dust is the best xbox game, but that is just my opinion.
I do expect it, but hey you never know. They seem quite impressed with the game so who knows.People looking forward to Naruto (myself included) would be wise to anticipate an A out of GS here.
And comparisons to other games on other systems still don't fly.
Lemmings cannot win this one way or the other, if it gets over R&C fanboys will scream bias, it if gets the same they'll scream bias, and if it gets under they'll scream owned.DaysAirlinesI know, but oh well.
Lemmings cannot win this one way or the other, if it gets over R&C fanboys will scream bias, it if gets the same they'll scream bias, and if it gets under they'll scream owned.DaysAirlinesNot really. If it scores well then it is a win for the 360 if it scores bad then a loss. Who cares what a bunch of fanbouys cry about.
lol game spot hates anime games . the main reason being they really have to know the show to juge the game right . but most of the time they know next to nothing about the show its self the games based on .deadmeat59That is going to be different in this case because the game has a story mode. It talks about the first 80 episodes of the anime so they are going to know what the game is about.
Why would it be so difficult to believe that Naruto is a better gae than R&c?
Its made by ubisoft montreal am i right? makers of Prince of persia no? I for one wouldnt be surprised in the least.
Yeah but aside from PoP1 the other two PoP games wasn't on the same epic level.
[QUOTE="JPOBS"]Why would it be so difficult to believe that Naruto is a better gae than R&c?
Its made by ubisoft montreal am i right? makers of Prince of persia no? I for one wouldnt be surprised in the least.
Yeah but aside from PoP1 the other two PoP games wasn't on the same epic level.
The last one was good. Also that is enough reason to think this game will be good.[QUOTE="JPOBS"]Why would it be so difficult to believe that Naruto is a better gae than R&c?
Its made by ubisoft montreal am i right? makers of Prince of persia no? I for one wouldnt be surprised in the least.
Yeah but aside from PoP1 the other two PoP games wasn't on the same epic level.
pop1 was classic, pop 2 wasnt on the same level i agree, but pop3 was just as good as pop1 imo.Anyway, doesnt matter, point is, ubisoft montreal has made 3 great games, (and also working on AC) so I wouldnt be shocked to find it get a higher score than R&C.
[QUOTE="Sollet"][QUOTE="JPOBS"]Why would it be so difficult to believe that Naruto is a better gae than R&c?
Its made by ubisoft montreal am i right? makers of Prince of persia no? I for one wouldnt be surprised in the least.
Yeah but aside from PoP1 the other two PoP games wasn't on the same epic level.
The last one was good. Also that is enough reason to think this game will be good.I really liked all of them, the second was not the best, but it started and ended off awesome.
i dont think the game will get an 8.5 at gs imo.istreakforfoodProbably not but people should be prepared for the megaton review.
[QUOTE="deavincalhoun"]but it would mean naruto rise of a ninja is better than ratchet and clank.-RPGamer-
:lol: lol I love it, perfect timing.
Um....are you sure. Have you checked Metacritic lately?
Let's see, the 1 review for Naruto is on IGN....which scored Naruto 8.4. They also scored Ratchet 9.4. So, I think you need to zip those lips there chap-o.
Sounds like pre-damage control to me. If it does get a higher score than ratchet at GS Lemmings will mash it in Cow's faces and heck i'd be glad to see em' do it :lol: Zero-G_basic
You enjoy your Naruto. Don't step on a game mightier than thou. Ratchet pwns your face. You and Gamespot get along now, y'hear?
Lemmings cannot win this one way or the other, if it gets over R&C fanboys will scream bias, it if gets the same they'll scream bias, and if it gets under they'll scream owned.DaysAirlines
Too bad I always thought R&C was a crappy series. Maybe because they released about 5 games during the PS2 lifespan and tried going for the "TOTALLY WICKED SICK" look with his futuristic outift. It seems now that the PS3 has a lackluster showing, Ratchet and Clank suddenly becomes a God send, and something that should be held over 360 fan's heads.
First off, I hate Naruto and all it stands for.
Now that I've said that, this game actually looks pretty good, but I doubt it can scrape an AA.
but it would mean naruto rise of a ninja is better than ratchet and clank.deavincalhoun
and would this be a bad thing? Why can't Naruto be better than ratchet and clank? Whats wrong with that?
Not saying it will get that score, but if it gets an 8 or 8.5 please don't make any ridiculous claims(like GS is bias)or make comparison(like Naruto>Ratchet ? || Naruto=Metroid 3 ? ). If you haven't played the game you can not make any judgements on it. Remember it is just an opinion and the person enjoyed the game.too_much_eslim
Freaking out already? You must be one of the cows who sees potential in Naruto 8)
Was this game officially hyped?BioShockOwnzI don't believe so, no one hyped Ace Combat 6 either. Except me
Was this game officially hyped?BioShockOwnzNo. Only people who have been watching this game are. I normally don't care fore anime games but this really peaked my interest.
[QUOTE="too_much_eslim"]Not saying it will get that score, but if it gets an 8 or 8.5 please don't make any ridiculous claims(like GS is bias)or make comparison(like Naruto>Ratchet ? || Naruto=Metroid 3 ? ). If you haven't played the game you can not make any judgements on it. Remember it is just an opinion and the person enjoyed the game.puissance000
Freaking out already? You must be one of the cows who sees potential in Naruto 8)
I am not a cow or a fanboy unless another Sega system comes out.Please Log In to post.
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