now i know this is all "WHAT IF" and whats done is done BUT its fun to think about the "WHAT IFs" in life sometimes. So yes you read correctly. Lets say if sony waited another whole year to launch the PS3. Lets say they launched it this november at $399.99 pricepoint, and all the games out now and coming out where all launch games. Games such as Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Resistance, Motorstorm, Ratchet and Clank, Haze, Warhawk Ghost Recon 2, Rainbow six vegas and COD 4 among other titles along with all the demos and content that the PSstore currently has and also along with the latest firmware update. I guarantee the PS3 would have KILLED the 360 and Wii this holiday season with no problem whatsoever.
Think about it like this, sure it would have given MS a 2 year headstart BUT think about how much hype and anticipation the PS3 would have had if it was launching this year with all those blockbuster exclusive games I just mentioned above not to mention the Gran Turismo 5 Demo for download. I mean think about it, sure it would be 2 years behind microsoft but ATLEAST it would have received praise for A. Being at affordable pricepoint and B.Having one of the best launch games in the history of gaming and C. Gamers only having to wait out several months until the heavy hitters such as MGS4, Gran Turismo, Killzone 2, Socom etc came out.
sure you might be thinking that it would be a terrible idea for Sony to sacrifice to be a whole 2 years behind the competiton but think about how much praise it would have received if it launched this year. Can you imagine how much the PS3 would have sold at a 399.99 launch price point if it had launch titles such as Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Ghost Recon 2, Motorstorm, Uncharted, COD4, Haze, Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, Folklore etc etc. I mean the PS3 would be praised for having the best launch game line up i history AND having great price point.. And the best part would be gamers would only have to wait a few months to get the great games in 2008 BUT NO. Instead look where they are now
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