Sorry but as a gamer, online has become something I adore. Sure I love the good old single player game, quite often too. I'm currently enjoying Overlord immensly, awaiting Mass Effect rabidly, and believe the Elder Scrolls to be one of the best games I've played in years. But I also can't give up the thrill of online gaming. Being part of a games community, seeing how deep a game can get, and just enjoying the thrill of frags, headshots, ko's or overwhelming bases. RTS, FPS, Fighting, RPG or MMORPG, I love what online gaming has brought to gaming. It's not that I can't love a single player game, infact Bioshock is one of my most anticipated games of the year, and I simply can't wait to play it, but I'm really losing faith in Nintendo when it comes to online play.
But how can Nintendo ignore the possibilities here. Super Smash has been an amazing franchise throughout the years, and it's time to get online to whoop up on someone. But no confirmation at E3 has me puzzled. Does Nintendo care about me? Or are they too busy head butting soccer balls to realize that they are forgetting what real gamers want? If I want to work out there's a gym two blocks from my house. I go there quite often to train for lacrosse season, so it's quite dishearting to hear that thier big E3 annoucement is.....a fitness game.
With each day I look at my 360 and realize it deserves to be next to a real gaming system, not a novelty item. If Super Smash Brothers Brawl does not feature online multi-player, my Wii will end up on Ebay. Plain and simple. I'll give Nintendo until they officially announce whatever they wish. My Wii will end up on E-bay to earn cash for a system that is truely catering to a GAMERS needs, just like the Xbox 360. A PS3.
Nintendo has been hit in the head with one to many soccer balls. Do the right thing Miyamoto, stop forgetting your fanbase because some overweight mother likes to play Warioware with her mongoloid children.
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