Um no. Zelda is one of my favourite series', Mario Galaxy was one of my favourite games this gen, and Metroid is awesome too.
But 3 games don't make a year. Already 360 has gotten Bayonnetta ,Mass Effect 2, and Bioshock 2, all massive games. It has Final Fantasy, Halo Reach, Fable 3, and much much more coming.
Nintendo's big 3 rock but they can't beat the combined lineup of 360 or PS3 this year. In any way. It's not even close.
While I agree the 360 and PS3 have great titles coming, hardly any interest me.
I've already bought what I wanted on my 360 for 2010: Bayonetta.
The only game I want to play on PS3 for 2010 is God of War 3.
The rest is Wii. Galaxy 2, Metroid: Other M, Zelda Wii, Trauma Team, Red Steel 2, No More Heroes 2 (haven't played it yet), Epic Mickey, potentially Xenoblade, Sin & Punishment 2.
I am excite.
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