Just a thought, what if the Last of Us was developed by a Japanese studio (and using anime/manga conventions) instead of a Western one. How successful will the game be?
Just a thought, what if the Last of Us was developed by a Japanese studio (and using anime/manga conventions) instead of a Western one. How successful will the game be?
The dialogue would have been very cheesy and Ellie would have been very annoying. And she'd probably be wearing those stupid cat ears.
dialogue and cut scenes would be hyperbolic emotions with long pauses. Enemies would be awesome though like creepy girls with long black hair in hospital gowns that rush at you.
The dialogue would have been very cheesy and Ellie would have been very annoying. And she'd probably be wearing those stupid cat ears.
lol yeah a high pitched, sqeak voice. god the game would have been so corny.
It would have any near the production value. It would of been cliche as ****.
Joel would of been some type of pervert in his mid 20s and Elie would of been some type of blonde sexy robot chick with constant upskirt scenes. The part where David takes her, would of been a tentacle porn mini game.
It wouldnt have had a serious tone to it. Probably would of had some seriously annoying support characters (like Final Fantasy).
Oh god the story, music, and characters would be atrocious. The character design would be vomit worthy.
But on the flip-side it would have actual gameplay and not be a movie/rental.
thanks for proving that you never played that game.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Story and characters would probably be much worse but gameplay wise it would be significantly better,wich to be fair isn´t that hard to achieve.
I'd disagree. I'd go and say the last of us plays better then all the third person shooters that came out of japan in the last 7 years and that's a lot of them.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
People seem to forget that this is also an anime.
One of the best fictional stories ever told, with male and female casts dealing with struggle and tragedy set with a post apocalyptic theme. I know most people here have probably never heard of it, but Berserk is easily a better story than TLOU and came out years before. If you don't think a japanese team could have done a story like the last of Us and made it awesome then you obviously don't know enough about the history and depth of anime story telling to be making an opinion aobut it in the first place.
People seem to forget that this is also an anime.
One of the best fictional stories ever told, with male and female casts dealing with struggle and tragedy set with a post apocalyptic theme. I know most people here have probably never heard of it, but Berserk is easily a better story than TLOU and came out years before. If you don't think a japanese team could have done a story like the last of Us and made it awesome then you obviously don't know enough about the history and depth of anime story telling to be making an opinion aobut it in the first place.
The problem is berserk is indicative of the quality that used to be found, I think most people here are just using Modern anime as a barometer for decent storytelling. I'm currently watching Claymore and it reminds me of Berserk so much, it's like Berserk meets DBZ or any other shonen show, although it's obviously not for children.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
Logic +6 for ReadingRainbow
Logic -38 for Bread_or_Decide
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Stupid arguments all around.
TLOU is the exception, not the norm of western/american story telling. That is the very reason why the game has received the awards it has gotten because it is doing something others aren't. i could point to any stupid western story and be like, look how dumb this is, yeah this is proof they (all western stories) suck.
Not a good argument at all from the majority of posters in here. If you want to compare the best western game to something from japan, and specifically anime, then you should look to the best examples they have to offer to make the assessment.
end rant/
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
Logic +6 for ReadingRainbow
Logic -38 for Bread_or_Decide
I like Kill La Kill in a way, mainly because the soundtrack is badass but I'll be damned if it isn't the dumbest shit.
Gurren Lagann was infinitely better.
Every single Japanese cliché would have been applied to it. Hell, even if they were trying to make a game just to appeal to Westerners it would still probably have some of these clichés in there because I really don't think they can help themselves.
Let's look at it from the latter perspective of appealing to Westerners ala the Souls series:
Guys with ridiculously huge weapons that no human could properly use. Abnormally buff people that never work out. Strategically missing armor pieces designed solely to show muscles. Metro looks but probably not gravity defying hair. Probably no spoken dialogue because by now they've picked up on how their language actors' are irritating to EVERYBODY except weeaboos. Etc, etc, etc.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
Logic +6 for ReadingRainbow
Logic -38 for Bread_or_Decide
I like Kill La Kill in a way, mainly because the soundtrack is badass but I'll be damned if it isn't the dumbest shit.
Gurren Lagann was infinitely better.
You just like it cause of the skimpy clothing :P
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
Logic +6 for ReadingRainbow
Logic -38 for Bread_or_Decide
I like Kill La Kill in a way, mainly because the soundtrack is badass but I'll be damned if it isn't the dumbest shit.
Gurren Lagann was infinitely better.
You just like it cause of the skimpy clothing :P
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Well, they are all dying horribly gathering what little strength and courage they can to face the greatest threat their world has ever known.
Logic +6 for ReadingRainbow
Logic -38 for Bread_or_Decide
I like Kill La Kill in a way, mainly because the soundtrack is badass but I'll be damned if it isn't the dumbest shit.
Gurren Lagann was infinitely better.
You just like it cause of the skimpy clothing :P
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Yeah, I stopped watching that show. Liked the premise, but everything else was the usual anime tripe.
A bunch of screaming, self-loathing, cliché'd individuals. And with the simplest tasks taking 5 episodes.
I'm not sure what shows you watch, but that isn't the typical "anime tripe". Kill La Kill with the fanservice, battle shonen layout, and waifu bait, is far more typical for anime.
Well, it comes close to the stuff I used to watch when I was younger. Hell, it was the reason why I stopped bothering with anime.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Yeah, I stopped watching that show. Liked the premise, but everything else was the usual anime tripe.
A bunch of screaming, self-loathing, cliché'd individuals. And with the simplest tasks taking 5 episodes.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
I disagree on all accounts, besides art and premise.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Yeah, I stopped watching that show. Liked the premise, but everything else was the usual anime tripe.
A bunch of screaming, self-loathing, cliché'd individuals. And with the simplest tasks taking 5 episodes.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
What keeps me watching is the mystery. But the cringe worthy emo characters just....they make me just want to quit. It's all so juvenile. Every line of dialogue starts low then they SCREAM REAL LOUD AND EMOTE BECAUSE THAT'S JUST WHAT ANIME DOES.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
I disagree on all accounts, besides art and premise.
Sometimes I don't even....
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Yeah, I stopped watching that show. Liked the premise, but everything else was the usual anime tripe.
A bunch of screaming, self-loathing, cliché'd individuals. And with the simplest tasks taking 5 episodes.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
An AOT game not based around the 3ds would be amazing.
Especially a multiplayer mode where you have one team controlling titans. Also using that 3d maneuver gear, none of that spiderman shit where you just string your web through the air and hit your target you actually have to position yourself.
I was watching Attan on Titan the other day and I thought...why is EVERY EMOTION exaggerated to the point of stupidity. Everyone screams and cries and yells. There's no subtlety.
Yeah, I stopped watching that show. Liked the premise, but everything else was the usual anime tripe.
A bunch of screaming, self-loathing, cliché'd individuals. And with the simplest tasks taking 5 episodes.
AoT is actually not your usual anime, which is one of the reasons why I've watched it 2 times through. The animation is amazing (probably my fav), characters are engaging, the music is just second to none and the story actually makes you want to know why all this crap is happening to them.
If writing/art style/characterization in AoT was combined with eastern games, I would shyt a brick made of gold.
An AOT game not based around the 3ds would be amazing.
Especially a multiplayer mode where you have one team controlling titans. Also using that 3d maneuver gear, none of that spiderman shit where you just string your web through the air and hit your target you actually have to position yourself.
I'm willing to have your babies
The possibilities of them exploring that type of stuff on current gen, hell I'd even take last gen :3
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