Mass Effect 2 needs more gun models. There were just 2 gun models for each weapon type but they had a bunch of different colors for each to differentiate them. NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
Resistance 2... I know you have that whole seperate campaign for co-op, and you wanted to concentrate on co-op and single player seperatly but I'd like regular 2 player co-op on the main campaign please! I'm sure you guys have some epic moments in the single player campaign along with the co-op campaign, I want to experience them with a friend!
Gears 2, hmm... I don't know. All I can ask of this game is for the multiplayer to suck less. Everything else looks top-notch.
God Of War 3, some kind of crazy awesome multiplayer! It doesn't have to make sense, just make it awesome. I don't know, you could like... create your own demigod, deathmatch, team deathmatch, CTF etc., diverse collection of weapons so its not everyone running around with the blades of chaos, include the Typhons Bane and make it easier to use for ranged attacks... I'm probably describing it bad, but the way I have it set up in my head, God Of War 3 multiplayer could be totally awesome.
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