So, say you get this power- you can go back in time and change the fate of any onegame system that came before. You could make a hit system a total bomb, and you could make a dismal flop a runaway hit. You can change the degree of its success any way you like, in any direction you like- the question is, which system would you go back and change the fortunes of?
For me, this was a hard question to think about. There are many deserving candidates that I think should have gotten different degrees of success than they really did (most notably, I'd want the Gamecube more successful than it was, and I'd have the Wii U be at least sell about 20 million than its current state; I'd make the Saturn and Dreamcast far more successful than they were, to keep Sega in the hardware business), but the system I ultimately settled on? It was none of those. It was this one:
The PS Vita is my favorite piece of gaming hardware, ever. I have never before held gaming hardware and found it to be so... perfect. So sublime, just so incredible and flawless in every way. It was the perfect handheld, too- the only issue was that of support. Sony never supported it, neither with games nor with marketing, and because Sony didn't back it, neither did anyone else. The result? The Vita sunk without a trace, and is one of the biggest failures in recent memory.
It's a damn shame, because the Vita's failure puts the entire handheld market in jeopardy. I don't want the handheld market in jeopardy. I love handheld gaming, and I love handhelds. And there has never been a better handheld than the PS Vita. It's just so perfect, I find myself trying to invent reasons to play on it even as no reasons exist, simply because I love playing on it so much.
I would have changed the Vita's fate. I don't care if it is more successful than the 3DS or not, here- what I would have wanted would have been for it to be a viable system in the handheld market, much like the PSP was. It would have been proof, alongside the already successful 3DS, that the handheld market was still viable. It would have shown us that there was room for a premium handheld in the market. Most importantly, it would have meant we would get more PlayStation handhelds in the future- and after just how incredible the PS Vita is, I want more PlayStation handhelds in the future.
So yes, that is the system I'd change the fate of. How about you? Which one would you pick? How would you change its fate? And why?
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