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Pokemon Soul Silver-30
Halo 3 ODST-60
New Super Mario Bros Wii- 30 (approx.)
and rest Id put in as money towards getting a PS3 cuz ATM I cant think of anything else I really want :P
Assassin's Creed 2 (PS3)$60
Uncharted 2 (PS3)$60
Madden 10 (PS3)$60
Nyx Quest (Wiiware)$10
Cave Story (Wiiware)$10
$15 pdz xbla
$80 Forza 3 lce
$60 Gh5 (Hey I play a real guitar so you cant say I need to get a life)
The rest towards my a new ps3,wii,upgrades for my pc,psp3000 and a new d (I have one of those old clunky ones before the ds lite)
That's an entertaining concept. >___>
And that's about 25% of what I want this year.
Scribblenauts $30
Spirit Tracks $35, Mario and Luigi $35
New Super Mario Bros Wii $50
Professor Layton $30
and i'd borrow $10 to make it even so i could get Uncharted 2 for $50
those are my must haves
Id spend $60 on Blazblue, then go to the bar with the rest
or buy some Nikes
Your signature. How come Ayiiya is beside Joey? They hate each other.
And Real World Brooklyn was better.
Anyways. $200
-Uncharted 2 ($65)
-Demon Souls ($65)
- Assassins Cred 2 ($65)
$200 limit this year:
January 1st:
Save it to buy freaking textbooks for school. ...Which equates to enough for like... 2 textbooks lol.
...Joking aside, I'm probably not buying any over this fall/winter season. I'll probably pick up Uncharted 2 sooner or later and probably Dissidia, but if I get a ton of games, I'm gonna fail out of school or something.
Xbox Live - $50
Gears of War 2: All Front Collection (360) - $20
Modern Warfare 2 (360) - $60
Silent Hill: Shattared Memories (Wii)- $50
A PSN Card - $20
That would keep me busy for the rest of the year.
Modern Warfare 2, Halo ODST, Assassin's Creed 2
This and Uncharted 2, New Super Mario Bro.s Wii, and some other games I just can't think of right now.
I'd buy Alpha Protocol and Dragon Age day one, full retail price. Umm, I pretty much only play RPGs and fighters so the rest of the year is slim pickings for me. All the other games that I would buy with that money already came out: Prototype, Star Ocean 4 and BlazBlue.
NSMBWii $50
Scribblenaughts $30
Professor Layton and the Dyabolical box $30
the new vs Capcom wii game $50
and I would scour the internet to find borderlands for PC for $40
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