I don't know. This is a hard choice for me. My only complaint with the PS3 is that it doesn't really feel like a Playstation console. For me, as of right now the biggest benefit of owning the Playstation 3 is the PSP connectivity, and the PSOne titles available over the Playstation Network. Don't get me wrong, I would definitely pick up Resistance 2, LBP, and MGS4. But because I wish too much with the Playstation it currently doesn't grab my attention fully.
I do have a Xbox 360 right now. My most played games are actually multi-platform(Skate, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and NHL). I would have to say that I can understand why people love Gears of War and Halo. I enjoy them both, but I am not into the attitudes on Xbox Live versus what you get in a online game of EA Skate. Therefore I don't really take advantage of the extended gameplayed offered. I guess it's people's competitive nature(or just being *****). At the sametime Xbox Live is a reason why I purchased a Xbox 360 in the first place. I like the large variety of content and the system supporting the community. And yes; I do use the video and game marketplace.
I'm going to admit that I've never really been a fan of Nintendo. When it came to playing even games like Metroid Prime 3, I lost interest quickly(I'm not saying it's a bad game though). I could have possibly been burned out on videogames entirely when I first purchased my Wii, I guess I can see why it was easier for me to lose interest. Not to mention that the 3rd party support hasn't been big. But I look at 2009 and I am REALLY excited for the Wii. Not to mention the announcement of Dragon Quest X made me bubble.
With all that said if Sony(and it's prominent 3rd party support) was more on schedule I would have already purchased a PS3. I honestly thought the idea was to get Final Fantasy XIII, Gran Turismo, Tekken, AND Metal Gear Solid 4 available in 2008 with new franchises like LittleBigPlanet. And if the majority of the games sill remained exclusive it wouldn't give gamers time to think about the oppuritunity of playing them on the Xbox 360. If I didn't have a Wii today, I would still choose it over the PS3 simply because I think the 2009 line up is more unique and it has variety. I do think Fragile, Little King Story, MadWorld, The Conduit, Cursed Mountain, and some others games will add the much needed color that was missing from the Wii in terms of 3rd party support.
Still, I love playing NHL 09 and Skate 2 on the Xbox 360 simply because it's easier to keep in touch and play with friends on Live. Speaking of getting time to think about the Xbox 360 versus the PS3; I can now play Final Fantasy XIII on Microsoft's console which will be released alongside of the PS3 version in North America. I'm definitely going with the Xbox 360 on this one.
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