^ can I settle this? or try to anyway.
The statement is too generalised since there are plenty of gamer who picked up a Wii to supplement whatever else they had. Not to mention, the "hardcore" typically don't only own just one system or play just one type of game (unless they are truly broke or blind to anything other than thier platform of choice). Preferring the Wii also doesn't mean you have to turn in your nerd card--trust me if you're on these forums, you're in the club.
For those on the other side of the argument that swear up and down that Wii is a hardcore-gaming mecca you are equally deluded. The Wii has missed a boatload of good games over the last six years that PS360 owners have enjoyed. There is no denying that. Saying "well Mario, Zelda, Metroid is all I need" only makes you look ridiculous. These games are great, sure, but here's the thing: Not everybody likes them. Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, apparently the holy grail of gaming... and I'm the only person in my group of friends that even likes the game. I've tried getting my buddies into it. They usually play for about 15 minutes and return the controller. "Bu bu but they aren't gamers!" Think again. At a glance some of them look like your typical "bro" gamers, but some of them also like rpgs, some get into fighting games, puzzle games, one of them even likes visual novels and RTS.
Not to mention that Iwata himself that the "core" moved away from the Wii. There is no way he wouldn't admit to that unless it was already painfully obvious to anyone that's paying attention.
ok. it felt good getting that off my chest. come at me.
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