Hmnm. My list is:
Civ Beyond Earth
Rainbow Six Siege
Smash Bros.
Star Citizen.
Splatoon eventually.
And I still have War of the Roses, Nosgoth, BF4, Mechwarrior online, Tribes: Ascend, TF2, Warframe (just got a huge update), Planetside 2, Sanctum 2, L4D2, War Thunder. I can play those games any time and I love all of them and they mostly fill any multiplayer shooting I wanna do in a video game.
I'm interested in Destiny but I'm definitely not 'buy a console' interested. It doesn't look to be that special and if you look at my games it screams diversity. There's turn based, dogfighting, silly fun, asymmetrical, co-op tower defense, large and small scales, super speedy or slow, grindy or no grind, joystick controller m/k, mech combat, tank combat, futuristic, pasturistic, realistic, nonsensical, EVERYTHING. Except laser bears.
I'm always interested in multiplayer games but it has to fill a special place in my library for me to buy it. And it may. Just not enough from what I've seen.
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