Nintendo continues to tear up the Japanese sales charts with the most unthreatening of game releases. Friend Collection remained at the top of Media Create's weekly sales charts this week, staying level with its sales for the past few weeks and slowly climbing its way towards a million units.
The casual-friendly DS title, which lets players place their Mii collection in a virtual world, beat out a few major new releases. Soul Calibur Broken Destiny and Super Robo Academy, both heavily promoted, didn't even cross the 30,000 mark. D3 Publisher's Xbox 360 host club sim, Dream Club, debuted with 46,000 units -- an impressive figure considering the system's limited audience.
Here's the full software chart covering 8/23 to 8/29:
- Friend Collection (Nintendo, DS): 80,000 (890,000)
- Dragon Quest IX (Square Enix, DS): 71,000 (3,794,000)
- Wii Sports Resort (Nintendo, Wii): 46,000 (1,085,000)
- Dream Club (D3 Publisher, Xbox 360): 46,000
- Monster Hunter 3 (Capcom, Wii): 34,000 (836,000)
- Soul Calibur Broken Destiny (Namco Bandai, PSP): 29,000
- Super Robo Academy (Namco Bandai, DS): 28,000
- How Money and Things Work DS (Nintendo, DS): 21,000
- Monster Hunter Freedom Unite PSP the Best (Capcom, PSP): 18,000 (925,000)
- Haku Ouki (Idea Factory, PS2): 17,000
There wasn't much of a change in the hardware race. The PS3 continued to plummet, presumably as stock dried out and people realized that by waiting an additional week, they could end up with a cheaper, thinner, quieter system, and get an extra 40 gigs too!
- DSi: 59,881 (59,578)
- PSP : 26,081 (27,187)
- Wii: 25,038 (26,972)
- DS Lite: 7,304 (5,735)
- Xbox 360: 7,254 (8,979)
- PS2 : 3,179 (3,295)
- PS3: 1,040 (2,052)
Next week's charts will likely see a PS3 re-emergence, both in hardware, thanks to the PS3 slim, and in software, thanks to Namco Bandai's Gundam Senki. Both were released on Thursday.Nintendo continues to tear up the Japanese sales charts with the most unthreatening of game releases. Friend Collection remained at the top of Media Create's weekly sales charts this week, staying level with its sales for the past few weeks and slowly climbing its way towards a million units.
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