I may be late, but this is new to me, and the ign review of R&CF:ACIT is out.
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The last Ratchet got 9.4/10 on IGN and only a 7.5 here. GS is so unpredictable that it could a 7 or a 9.5 depending on who reviews it.
Nice. Hopefully another AAA for the PS3. Gamespot better not have the same reviewer that played TOD play this.
Great score.
What I don't get is why the reviewer said the game is better than Tools of Destruction in every way and yet ToD has a higher score...
The last Ratchet got 9.4/10 on IGN and only a 7.5 here. GS is so unpredictable that it could a 7 or a 9.5 depending on who reviews it.
About 40 sites that reviewed that game averaged about a 9.0 so does it really matter what gamespot says especially if it gave it a 7.5.
If gamespot gives it a different score than the 7.5 then they would be very inconsistant. Ign even said that this game is very similar to the previous.
Well this is ryan clements and i rarely disagree with him. One of the only guys to give VC the correct score :D Happy to see this one turned out well. Ive never actually owned a console rachet and clank game so ill probably buy it seeing as how I wont find it to be just more of the same XD
GS better not underrate this like the past iterations. ;)
But as I said before, if they don't underate it then they would be extremely inconsistant.
Nice review, though it could have specified a few things, like the level of humor in comparison to the other games in the series, and to a degree, the quality of the story. Even though I haven't been a huge fan of platformers that were born on the PS2, I still enjoy the series. The reviewer though, is definitely a hardcore fan, you can tell that from beggining to end, so I'll definitely take that into account. With that said, you at least know of what to expect from the game: If you liked the previous games and if the formula still holds your interest, you'll definitely enjoy it.
excellent?Well, not to be a downer as I'm definitely going to buy the game but, IGN gave FTOD a 9.4 and we all know how that turned out.
IGN is as about as reliable as foxnewsnetwork. when and if gamespot gives it a 9.0 then make a topic.
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